Happy First Weekirthday!

Our puppies are one week old today.  😀

For those of you who follow along with me on facebook, you know that the little boy lost his fight.  He got tired, and had nothing left to give.  He fought hard while he could, but in the end, he went peacefully, sleeping next to his sisters and mom.  It broke our hearts a little.  His sisters are strong and healthy though, and that is something to be thankful for.

This morning, before even getting out of our jammies, I snagged a couple of pictures.  So here’s the wee girlie (who isn’t looking so wee any more) with the wee puppers.

The wee girlie holding Deedee the tri-colour Chihuahua puppy.

Lily-Ann and Deedee

the wee girlie holding Alice, the spotty Chihuahua puppy.

Lily-Ann and Alice

About Tobi-Dawne

Tobi-Dawne Smith is many things to many people... photographer, canine behaviour expert, equal rights activist, green politician, lactivist, intactivist, writer, crafter, dog handler, third wave feminist, etc. But most important in her life is her role as mother to an amazing five year old. Learn more about TD at http://www.tobi-dawne.com/ follow her blog at https://td365.wordpress.com/ get to know her daughter at http://lilyannslemonade.wordpress.com/ or check out her work at http://tdphotography.me/

Posted on May 29, 2011, in Dogs, Nikon D90, Wee Girlie and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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