Blog Archives

Where are you Spring?!?!?

Okay.  Yeah.  I’ve been a really bad blogger lately.  Well, maybe not by most standards.  After all, there are MANY bloggers who post once a week or even less frequently.  😉  But for me?  This is bad.

I don’t know if it’s the weather, or just the physical exhaustion after working so hard getting Breaking the Silence up and running then following it up with a very physically demanding photo shoot…  Whatever it is?  It’s kicking my ass.  I’m just done.  So I am VERY grateful that the Easter break is now upon us.  Not having to worry about our regular schedule, and getting the girl off to school, should help a great deal.  And even better?  The next couple of days we’re actually supposed to see plus temperatures!

I am so done with this cold and all this snow.  I am dying for it all to melt away.  I want to cultivate the ground.  This house has a nice big garden space (that was unused for who knows how long) and I’m just itching to get out there and plant something.  I have so many plans for the outdoor space here, and this extended Winter is making me a little itchy…  seriously.  I’m so irritable I’ve definitely got a case of cabin fever…  Spring just cannot get here fast enough.

Misadventures of a snowbound photographer

Tonight I have to direct you towards another url.  As I’ve already chronicled this particular misadventure on my photography website.  I do promise though, the many photographs of our frosty day are well worth the visit.  I know you’ll laugh as much as we did as we battled the environment to get these important shots.

Hip deep, completely stuck, immobilized in the snow and ice.

Hip deep, completely stuck, immobilized by the snow and ice.


And a big thank you to Jamie for not only volunteering as my assistant today, but for capturing the entire thing with her iPhone.  LMAO

The Art of Drag – TNG

I’ve posted before about the glorious art form that is DRAG, so consider this post The Art of Drag – The Next Generation.

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of being the official photographer at a rather phenomenal event here in Saskatoon.  It was the True Colours Drag Show hosted by the Avenue Community Center.  All sorts of performers, from current Drag Superstars to those who are the future of the art, all performing together in a grand spectacle.  It really was a brilliant night, and I am so thrilled to have played a part – even just a small one.  So here are a few names to remember:

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Breaking the Silence – 2013

This year marks the 16th annual Breaking the Silence conference at the University of Saskatchewan, and I am (again) proud to be a member of the board working very hard to bring it to you.  This year we are focusing on the idea of finding justice and equality on and off the playing field.

As we all know, the locker room has long been a place of dread for our youth, and that doesn’t always end with high school graduation.  Join us on March 22nd and 23rd and we attempt to throw open the doors, and let a little light, and some fresh air into those dark spaces.  Our topic this year?  Clearing it Out! Removing Homophobia from the Locker Room and Beyond.

You can learn a little more at our facebook event page or at our website!  Hope to see you there.

Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence


…and yes, for those of you who specifically wrote on your evaluations that you’d have liked to have heard a little more from me during last years conference, this year I’ll be offering two sessions.  I do have to admit, I loved the one comment that was written in that simply stated that next year they’d like to see “More Tobi”.  😉

Breaking the Silence is Fast Approaching

Though our sky was dark and dreary for much of the day today, my heart was happy as I look forward.  We are coming into crunch time for planning this years Breaking the Silence conference.  This conference is something that is very near and dear to my heart and I am so blessed to be on the board.  And while our key theme this year is a sporting one (focusing on issues in the locker room and beyond) it will deal with the same truths we all care so much about, bullying and living as our authentic selves.  I’m looking forward to another highly successful conference this March.

The website still contains information from 2012, but it should be updated shortly with information on our keynote and registration for 2013:

Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face...

Things are looking up! 🙂 The view from my front walk.

And join me tomorrow as we take a look at my “daily routine” in another exciting photo a day challenge post:

photo a day challenge for january

Grey Water in our Basement, Tree Roots in our Pipes

It has been a long couple of days.  The water started coming in yesterday morning, and kept right on coming through most of today.  It finally stopped at about 3:00 or so.  And the folks from the city got to work in our basement at about 6:00.  I’m way to exhausted to even think.  So long story short?  We had issues with roots and pipes knocking heads.  It’s “fixed” now, but only after damage to our basement – water and sewage can do nasty things to a home even if they’re only a couple inches high.  It also appears that this will likely be an ongoing problem for the next 18 months or so – as that’s how long it takes for things to “settle” after this type of a problem.  Like I said, this whole thing just has me exhausted… physically and emotionally.

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The Chihuahua Avengers – 5 Weeks Old

Our Avengers litter has made it to their fifth weekirthday.  That’s right!  The boys are five weeks old today.  😀

I’d had grand plans about taking proper stacked photos to mark the occasion…  they are looking SOOO nice.  Really great angles on them, strong rears, nice fronts, wonderful toplines.  I wanted to show them off a wee bit.  But yeah…  grand plans.  LOL  The fact of the matter is we are five sleeps away from moving house – and well, there are other things that had to take priority.  I did, however, take them for their very first outing.

I haven’t bought the boys their own carry bag yet.  Roo, Marnie, and Alice each have their own….   but we figured Alice probably wouldn’t mind sharing, at least for a little while.  So I popped them all into her travel bag, and brought them to school with me when I picked up the girl.  We made sure most of the kids had already cleared out, and we opened the bag for all the teachers to see.  They got held, smooshed, and generally just totally loved upon.  It was a really great experience.  The boys all handled themselves really well.  There were some nerves, but for the most part they did fabulously!

While Damon was busy packing, I had the girl give me a hand taking some photos of the boys.  Yeah, they’re just the same old iPhone pictures I always take of them, but they will have to do until we get settled in the new place.

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We also thought y’all might enjoy seeing the boys in action, so we nabbed a couple of videos of the boys wrestling:

For video #2 click here:

We have for sure homes lined up for a couple of the boys, but we are still looking for one more forever family.  So, if you’re interested, drop me a line!  You can meet their parents, Roo and Sweets, at  At this point both show prospect and pet homes are being considered – so drop me a line if you’d like to be on our list.  🙂  My address for handling and puppy inquiries is at the Sidhe Dogs website.

Saying Goodbye to The Wiggles!

Tonight, The Wiggles hit Saskatoon on their way across Canada and North America on their farewell tour.  Thankfully my parents nabbed two tickets for the show, so Lily-Ann and my Mom got to see one of the last performances of Jeff, Murray, and Greg (Anthony, the blue Wiggle, will be continuing on along with the new cast including the first female member of the gang).  This was their second Wiggles concert as they also went to see them during their Birthday Celebration tour a year or two ago.

The girl is sad that so many of the Wiggles are moving on, but I explained how nice it will be for them to be able to spend more time with their families, and she did think that was a good thing.  She also liked the idea that her new baby cousin Leandro will get to grow up with a whole new crew to sing along with.  So we talked a little about how we can be sad about something, but also happy about it too… all at the same time.

At Pop Pop and Grams’ house with her bone for Wags, her rose for Dorothy, and her cash. All set for The Wiggles farewell show!

My favourite story from the night though, had to be from after the show.  Lily-Ann didn’t have an opportunity to give the bone she made to Wags, or the rose (a silk one, from our wedding) she brought to Dorothy during the show.  My Mom had noticed that some of the kids had just put their items up on the edge of the stage as they left.  So the two of them made their way up to the front.

The melt-bead bone her Daddy and I helped her make for Wags the Dog.

Now…  Lily-Ann is one fast kid.  All kids are fast, but she’s even faster than most.  Super smart, and agile to boot, she has a way of getting through spaces and human traffic that others couldn’t even imagine.  So it’s no surprise she beat Grams to the stage.  However, my Mom hadn’t anticipated what the girl did next.

Lily-Ann didn’t set her gifts on the edge of the stage where the other kid’s items were left.  Oh no.  She climbed onto the stage herself, wiggled under a velvet rope, up onto another level of the stage, and snuck back behind the curtain…  and just like that, she was back stage.  She got to see all the props and sets and actors and dancers, and stage hands, and then the stage manager noticed this fiery little redhead bobbing around in awe and excitement.

Apparently he was very sweet with her.  He told her that Wags and Dorothy were sleeping, but that he would be happy to bring her rose and hand-crafted bone to them.  And that was good enough for the girl.  🙂

So in addition to an amazing show, and a couple very cool momentos, she has a very unique memory of getting a real behind the scenes look at a show that few get to see.

Thank you, for TWO DECADES of dedication and enthusiasm you’ve given to so many children! Music is an amazing gift to give, and you’ve done just that. Good luck in the future, and thanks again!

I Love Weddings: a photography preview!

Time for a photography preview!  And it’s a good thing too… because I’m just not that eloquent tonight.  😉  Generally words come fast and easy, but tonight?  Tonight I’m tired, and the words, they be playing hide and seek with me (it would appear I’m losing).

I had the pleasure of working with Wendy and Chris to capture all the important moments at their wedding (and several hours before).  The big event was a little over a week ago now, and I’ve got a few sneak peek images to share from the “formals” portion of the day.  Wendy and Chris were so much fun!  I loved that we were able to be silly and capture some really fun and goofy moments along with the romantic ones.

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Thankfully I’ve been able to devote quite a bit of time so far to the edits and enhancements, and I’m about 1/3 of the way through.  So hopefully, Chris and Wendy, it won’t be too much longer until everything is ready.  🙂  Thank you for including me in your special day.  It really was a delight!

Jovial Company – a photography preview

It has been a long day, and I’m absolutely exhausted…  so I have to admit to some relief knowing I can let my photography do the talking tonight.  😉

A couple of weeks ago now, I did a shoot with an absolutely charming couple – who seemed to think I’d have a hard time capturing even one good photograph.  I knew very early on that not only would I get one, I’d get dozens.

Sandra and Keith were absolutely wonderful.  They were such convivial company, and they had such infectious smiles.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them, and editing their photographs just brought it all back.  Funny how that works.  😉

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