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I must sleep!

I find I’m more exhausted at nine here at the new house than I used to be at eleven at the old place.  Guess that comes from waking up a couple hours earlier based on when the light hits.  I preferred my old time table… but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt us all to run a little more “regular”.

We’ve always been a late to bed, late to rise kinda family.  I like my late nights, I always have.  And I do hope that once things settle down and we actually manage to get through some of the unpacking (seriously, we have a stupid amount of boxes everywhere still) then some of our old routine may return.  For now though, I find I’m up earlier than everyone else… still tired, but up.  And so I just lay in bed, not wanting to wake anyone else.

Right now though?  When I’d normally be in tip top shape?  I’m exhausted, brain tired, having trouble stringing sentences together.  I’ve been up too much the last couple nights, not sleeping as deeply or well as I should… so I’m beat and needing rest….  and that, is where I’m leaving this blog post.  Because when I get to this point, where I’m all rambly and not making any real progress?  Well, clearly it’s time to shut it down before y’all start losing brain cells just from reading what I’ve scrawled.  😉  NIGHT!

Wow, one long day!

Looooooong day.

Being up late last night whelping puppies didn’t help, but it was a pleasant surprise.  Even having monitored Roo’s temperature for the 40 hours leading up to the birth didn’t give us the “heads up” it should have.  But then, Roo has never been one to do ANYTHING by the books.

Even after everyone settled in for the night, I didn’t actually do much sleeping.  Between the neon red glow of the heat lamp and the occasional pip from a puppy, it just wasn’t a restful night for me.  Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not complaining.  The babies are worth a little exhaustion.

This morning we had to be at the airport to drop off Deedee at 8:30.  Which meant an early wake-up.  The girl and I don’t usually rise until 9, and she wanted time to visit a park with Deedee for some photos before saying goodbye.  So it really was an early one.

Since we were out already we decided to grab some breakfast.  The girl had pancakes.  Damon had an english muffin breakfast sandwich (yes, thankfully he had Tuesday off this week).  And I had a croissant – boy it’s nice to be on solid foods again… but I do find my jaw gets tired quick and easily.

We did some running around.  Picked up some puppy supplies, got our house insurance information ready for the move, paid a bill…  Then it was home to weigh puppies and make sure everyone was getting a chance to nurse before taking the girl to school – WITH a photo of each puppy and a family portrait to show off to her class.

While the girl was at school we did some more running around so we’d be ready to go as soon as she was off.

We snagged her at 3:25, headed home briefly to let her change into her ballet clothes and to let the dogs out for a potty break.  We also had a 1/2 hour breather (while the dogs were out) during which I just about fell asleep – way too tired.  Damon and Lily-Ann dropped me off at my Breaking the Silence board meeting (which was super exciting, I sooo hope we’re able to get my first choice of speaker for the Friday night kick off, he’d be AMAZING), and the two of them went out for an early supper.  I had to bow out a little early as they picked me back up at 5:30 so we could head to ballet.

After class, we came home weighed puppies again and made sure Roo laid still for a nice long nursing session.  She’s generally a really great momma dog, but she has never been one to stay still for long.  Which was fine for her last litter of two…  but she needs to stretch right out and lay good and still to nurse five…  so she needs us to be rather hands on at this point.

Lily-Ann played on the iPad while we took care of Roo and the pups, then it was time to start the bedtime routine.  And I’ll admit, I dozed off a little while Damon was reading Medusa the Mean.  I really miss doing the night time reading, but until we get things cleared up for me health wise, it’s been passed on to Damon…  tonight though?  tonight I was actually rather thankful for that.

Now the girl is asleep, Damon is upstairs on the computer, and I’m laying in bed with the kid typing this blog post.  LONG day.

Here’s a puppy video I snagged last night during the birth:

Baby three was one of the only puppies born head first.  Most came out backwards.  I have videos of those as well… but I haven’t uploaded them yet.  It all went so fast, I didn’t have a chance to upload as things went along.  When I’m more awake, I promise to share more.  It’s pretty cool.

Recoup and Recover

I could certainly do with a few days to recoup and recover…  It’s been a crazy week, and I’m feeling completely worn out and exhausted.  But no.  That’s just not in the cards (not for a mom with a high need little girl, anyway).

To attempt a recap?  I’m not sure I could even do it.  But I’m hoping that I’ll be able to share a little more again as things settle down. For now though, I do hope you’ll forgive me.  Two boring blog posts in a row?  *slaps self on wrist*  BAD BLOGGER, BAD!  I’ve been punished, and hopefully tomorrow I’ll come through with shining colours.  Maybe then I’ll be able to actually share a tutorial or two for the fabulous gifts I helped the girlie to craft for her Dad and Pop Pop.  See you then!

Sleeping Chihuahua (pic)

Long day.

Folks checked into the hotel room next to ours at 6 AM…  loudest people ever!  Seriously.  I gave up on getting any more sleep at 7:00.  We had no plans on waking before 9.  So by the time Alice and I were in the ring in the afternoon, we were already ready for a nap.  Which is exactly what we came back here to do:

Sweet little sleeping Chihuahua

My cow baby, snoozing on her cow.


No points for little Alice today, but hopefully with some rest and treats she’ll be back to her usual self, and ready to own the ring tomorrow.

Dog Show Expenses… GAG!

Sooo…  I’m getting ready for bed, wondering how it’s only 9:00, when it dawns on me;  I haven’t written a blog post.

Ugh.  Seriously.

It’s just one of those days I suppose.  I’m brain tired and body weary.  It’s only Tuesday but it feels like it should be Saturday.  It’s going to be a long week.

Photo shoot tomorrow afternoon.  Zoo school trip on Friday.  Leave for Regina Friday after supper.  Dog show from Saturday-Monday.  Head home Monday…  like the weekend never happened at all.  😉  I like lazy boring weeks with only one or two scheduled things to remember.  A couple photo shoots plus all the regular every day stuff.  I love being AWAY AT a dog show, but the getting ready while having to continue doing everything else is exhausting.

I booked our hotel room tonight.  I have to admit, it made me gag a little.  I think this is the very first year I’m handling expenses all on my own.  I’ve been showing dogs for other people for so many years that I’ve never actually had to cover my expenses all myself before.  It is a pretty amazing experience showing a puppy that I bred though…  it’s like nothing else really.  And while the large expenses make me want to gag, they’ll be worth it in the end.  Just got to get back to finding a client dog or two to help absorb things a little.  It’s always much easier on the pocket book to SHARE the burden that are show expenses.  LOL

I’m sorry for being so boring.

Yay leap day!

Okay.  I’m done.


Seriously, that was the extent of my inspiration for my blog post tonight.

Generally speaking I really enjoy blogging daily, but some days kinda suck you dry…  so when it gets to be evening, and I’ve put the kid to bed, and the screen of my laptop burns brightly in the dark?  Well.  On those days there’s just not much left.


"I'm Sorry" crying pictureSo, yeah.  I’m sorry for being so boring tonight.  I can’t promise it won’t happen again, because I can say with certainty that it will…  but hopefully not for a long while.

Night all!

A long and tiring day…

It felt like a long and tiring day…  only…  it really wasn’t a SUPER busy day.  Sure, it was a full day.  I got a fair bit of work done (spent some time on Green Party of Saskatchewan businesses, spent some time on Camp fYrefly wrap-up, spent some time on edits and enhancements for TD Photography, and spent some time just being a mom)…  but it wasn’t like I was going out of my mind running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off.  A lot of work, but time to breathe too.  Tonight though?  Tonight I’m tired.  Not just in body, but in mind.  I’m exhausted, but relatively peaceful too.  And that’s something I haven’t felt for a little while now.


Short.  Post.  For.  Now.

Camp.  fYrefly.  Board meeting.  Tonight.

Lots.  Work.  To do.

Tired.  Now.



Pink is for Girls!

Some time ago I was telling one of my girlfriends about the fact that pink really only came to be considered a “girls colour” about 1/2 century ago.  Before that it was strictly for the boys.  And if you go any further back, both boys and girls wore white dresses from birth until they were seven or eight years old.  The idea that pink was a gender specific colour meant only for girls is a fairly recent concept…  and honestly, it’s not based on ANYTHING really.

Back when blue was for girls, it was considered airy and light: feminine.  Pink was a diluted form of red, which is fierce and stern: masculine.  But, if you ask me… it doesn’t matter how you slice it.  Pink is just pretty, and damn it.  I like it.

It has nothing to do with it being girlie or feminine.  I just think it’s a pretty colour.  Pastel pink, light coral, even a salmon…  the colour just makes me feel good.

The idea that even colours have been paired off in this gender binary is so ridiculous in every possible way.  Quite honestly, I’d like to see us go back to the days when everyone dressed their children in dresses.  The white I’m not so crazy about…  Back then it was all about being able to toss them into a bucket of bleach water.  But the dresses?  Yep.  Makes sense to me.  Way easier to run around in.

Where am I going with this?  Honestly?  I have no idea.  I’m mostly just rambling.  LOL  I saw an article today that referenced this whole colour/gender thing and it just reminded me that I’d actually been talking about it not too long ago.  Soooo…  here’s the article I read today:  But seriously, if it’s something you are interested in, there’s a ton of info out there about it.  And from a feminist/human rights stand point, it’s rather interesting.

Why can’t I seem to make an actual point today?  Well…  my brain is a little fried.  Working WAY too many hours.  Thinking about WAY too many things.  So, yeah.  Just feeling kinda rambly.  😉

Night all!

Tired, again. LOL

Okay, well…  I’m too tired to blog in any reasonable fashion.  Sooo…  This is my post.  LOL  My post, telling you I’m too tired to post.  Yep.  Story of my life.  LMAO

Working like crazy.  Long day.  Another long day tomorrow.  Ready for bed (but won’t be going to asleep for another couple hours).  Okay.  Night all.  😉

Will try to come up with something more interesting to say tomorrow.  LOL  Really.