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A sweet story and a building project!

I had three completely unrelated things to share seeing how I needed to post a photo for challenge days 18, 19, and 20…  but then I realized I could very honestly share a project the three of us worked on today and have it fit for all three topics.  Yeah, it may be a bit of a cheat – but it’s not a huge one, especially considering I did grab snapshots on both Friday and Saturday, even if I’ve decided to only share a series of images from today.  LOL

But first?  First I have to share a really quick little story that is super cute and totally warmed my heart.  😀

On Friday I was over at my parents place – watching everyone so Mom could go with Dad to an out of town gig.  When Marie, my sister (whom Lily-Ann is named after), got home she came upstairs as usual then asked for my attention.  I stopped working on supper and looked over at her:  “Yes Marie?”



“Moby, look.”

And with that she held up the index finger on her right hand as if to say just one second.  Then she bent WAY down to where little Thor (one of my puppies from the Avenger litter whom is now my Dad’s puppy) was standing, and gave him a little pat.  She then stood back up.  “Moby.”

“Yes Marie?”

My sister, who has never been much of a pet person and who does her best to just ignore the other two dogs in the household, gave me a great big grin and an enthusiastic thumbs up.  To which I replied “Awwww….  Marie!  I’m so glad you like him.  He’s a cute little guy, isn’t he?”  She nodded in approval, which made me feel awfully wonderful.  😀

Okay…  now onto my challenge photos.  😉

So, I need to share for something I bought, sweet, and someone I love.  Well…  here are the girl and her Dad working together to put up the last couple of shelves in her room (which he and I started putting up while she was out with my sister Riki earlier today).  I think this series of pictures covers all three challenge topics pretty darn well.








photo a day challenge for january

Chihuahua Puppies Make Me Smile!

The challenge for today was to capture something that “makes you smile”, that was another easy one.  😉  My babies!  And being how I vowed to take this challenge through the lens of my iPhone this capture made me laugh repeatedly as I attempted to capture The Avengers sitting still long enough to be something other than a blur.

the boys from our Avengers litter

Clearly unsuccessful – but cute none the less.  LOL  That’s Rogers on the far left, and as the biggest “goer” in the group I knew I didn’t have a chance of getting him without blur.  Next to him with his tongue out and ears back, licking his own nose is Tony.  In the back, wondering what the heck my husband is doing, is Bruce.  And up at the front, looking like he’s only got one front leg (gotta love the blur) is Thor.

the puppies from our Avengers litter

Well that’s a LITTLE better…  and shockingly Rogers is actually standing still – that’s him on the far right self stacking so nicely.  On the far left (on the floor, unimpressed with all the attention the puppies are getting that obviously should be being lavished on him) is our old man, and the puppies Daddy, Sweets.  Tony is blurred next to him behind Thor, who is looking oh so darling sitting on that orange pillow.  And last but not least, between Thor and Rogers, is little baby Bruce.

Yep.  Puppies NEVER fail to make me smile.

Hmmm…  what’s tomorrows challenge?

photo a day challenge for january

…oooo.  “Favourite”.  I may have to think on that one.  LOL

20% Cooler? Try 80%!

While we were away at the lake, a very special piece of mail came for the kid.  While it was a piece of mail I’d been expecting, I hadn’t expected the sender to go so far to make it such a red-letter letter.  The community at the MLPTP really is outstanding, and this is just one example of how fabulous people there are to one another (and to us).

Here in Saskatchewan, we haven’t been able to get the new My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic trading cards.  One wonderful member of the Trading Post sent me what she called a “pity pack” made up from some of her doubles and triples.  And I’ll admit, kid-kid was jealous.  So when another member of the TP offered up some cards that she’d gotten that were bent?  I quickly asked if she’d consider sending them to Lily-Ann, she happily agreed.

Now, just receiving the bent cards would have been enough to absolutely thrill the girl…  but this individual went so far above and beyond, she made Lily-Ann’s week.  She sent several extra cards, a couple of cutie mark tattoos, a letter she wrote from the point of view of Princess Celestia, and she did up the envelope as if it had been hand (or hoof) delivered by Derpy herself.  I should have recorded the girl digging into everything – her squeals of delight really had to be heard to be believed.  And I was so touched that this person, who only knows us online as fellow pony folk, would go through so much trouble to do something special for my girl.  It really was an amazing thing to do.

A hand-written letter from Princess Celestia

A lovely hand-written letter direct from Princess Celestia!


Derpy Mail for Fairy Berry (the girl's ponysona), direct from Princess Celestia!

Derpy Mail for Fairy Berry (the girl’s ponysona), direct from Princess Celestia herself!



Thank you so much!  This was such a sweet and generous thing to do.  I know Lily-Ann will never forget the day she received mail direct from Equestria.  (((hugs)))  Forget 20%, you’re more like 80% cooler than the general pony population!  Especially to one absolutely thrilled little girl.  😀

Jovial Company – a photography preview

It has been a long day, and I’m absolutely exhausted…  so I have to admit to some relief knowing I can let my photography do the talking tonight.  😉

A couple of weeks ago now, I did a shoot with an absolutely charming couple – who seemed to think I’d have a hard time capturing even one good photograph.  I knew very early on that not only would I get one, I’d get dozens.

Sandra and Keith were absolutely wonderful.  They were such convivial company, and they had such infectious smiles.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them, and editing their photographs just brought it all back.  Funny how that works.  😉

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Sarah & Shaun; Saskatoon Sweethearts!

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of working with Sarah and Shaun, and thanks to this Eustachian Tube Disorder (which isn’t an ear infection at all, though I still definitely consider it an ear troll) it has taken me far longer to work through the enhancements than I’d like.  Working on the computer is slow going when it feels like someone is auditioning for Stomp inside your head.  😉  But I’m powering through as best I can.  And Sarah and Shaun have been so very patient.  I’ve said it before, and I know I’ll say it again:  I really do have the best clients.

I absolutely adored working with Sarah and Shaun.  The fact that she loves him and that he adores her is so clear.  They are totally adorable, and were so easy to work with.  I found myself focusing a lot on Shaun (which is out of the ordinary for me, generally I focus on my female clients) but he is so head over heals, goofy in love, for and with Sarah that I couldn’t help myself.  Of course, I made sure Sarah got a lot of focus too – she’s extremely easy to photograph.  They really were a delight to work with.

So, here’s a bit of a preview, while I do my best to get through the rest of the shoot:

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Another trip to the zoo…

I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not…  but we spend a lot of time at the zoo.  LOL  We love animals, and there is so much to be learned through up close encounters.  And that includes encounters with domestic species too.

Here is the wee girlie giving a big hug to the Zoo’s resident cat.  She followed us around pretty much everywhere today…  from the children’s zoo to the discovery center to the barn and back again.  Guess she just needed some loving.  🙂

hugs for the Saskatoon Zoo's resident cat

a little love goes a long way

Hey There Finley!

Lily-Ann got to meet Finn today.  🙂  And it’s the first time I’ve seen him since he’s been home.  He’s doing great, and has got so much personality already (little stinker grins super big whenever he toots).  The wee girlie was just thrilled with him.  And…well…so is everyone else.  😉

I couldn’t decide on one picture to share, so here are a couple.



Lily 'n Finn



Sweet Little Bits!



This  week I’ve been taking the Collective Kitchen leadership training.  And, yay for me, it’s being offered at the Carpenter’s Church only seven blocks from my house and two blocks from the wee girlie’s school.  🙂  Anyway, I left to walk Lily-Ann to school, and on the way we ran into Carissa and her mom.  So the two girls got to walk the whole two blocks together – hand in hand.  It was so sweet.  Us mom’s have exchanged contact info, as we’ve both noticed over the last month how close the girls have gotten.  They hit it off at orientation, and their bond has just gotten stronger as the weeks have gone by.  So hopefully we can work things out for the girls to have a couple play dates at the park before it gets too chilly out for such things.  🙂



Aren’t they WAY too cute?  😀

Sun on your shoulder…

Out with the wee girl, exploring her world.  The sun caught her shoulder…

I always think she looks beautiful, but she looked so beyond any earthly beauty.  She was radiant.  My perfect miracle.

She makes everything worth it.

A Gift

On our way out the door…

On our way out of my parents place, Lily-Ann showing Jewles where we were parked.  I know photos like this may be boring to many…  but seeing her from the back always blows my mind a little.  Gone are the baby, and even toddler proportions.  And when you aren’t distracted by her face, you just see it all the more clearly.  She’s very much a little girl now.  I don’t know when it happened, but it did.

Damon will sometimes put a diaper on the wee girlie before putting her pajamas on.  As soon as he leaves the room she’ll strip down, take off the diaper, then put the pjs back on without it.  She’ll then look at me and explain how her Daddy still thinks she’s a baby.  Lily will then hand me the diaper and say “I don’t need this”.  But, the next time her dad gets her ready for bed, she’ll let him put the diaper on again… and wait until he leaves the room to take it off.

Seriously… could I have a more sweet, more wonderful little girl?  Sure.  She has her moods too.  She’s awfully headstrong and determined (remind you of anyone?)…  but she cares a whole lot about those around her.  Makes me feel awfully awfully lucky.  🙂

gone is my toddler...  here in her place is a little girl

gone are the toddler proportions