Blog Archives

Out Sick.

So, right after I promise to get y’all caught up on our Disney trip with all sorts of tips and stories I end up sick in bed…  and I’m still sick in bed.  I’m hoping in the next day or two to be right as rain, but until then I’m afraid I’m not much use to anyone.  I’m just grateful this flu bug decided to wait until we were back home before it settled in and knocked me out for the count.  😉

Easy and Inexpensive Ornament for the Holidays

It’s been another long day.� So it’s been a long week.� I was sick.� Our old dood, Sweets (the Chihuahua) was sick.� Puppies spent the day at kindergarten.� More plumbing trouble.� Girl didn’t hardly sleep last night (so neither did Mommy).� So yeah.� I’m beat.� I’ve got nothing left in me to write a blog post.� So here’s something cute from another MomWriter friend of mine.� A super cheap and adorable little angel ornament you can make up for all your kids friends, teachers, and family members:

Easy and Inexpensive Ornament for the Holidays.

via Easy and Inexpensive Ornament for the Holidays.

Sick Mommy.

Mommy is having a sick night.

I was fine all day, got a ton of running around done, and even got down to Passport Canada to file our applications (spent about an hour there and then had to go back after getting new photos of the kid when her original ones were rejected – the whites were blown).  But shortly after supper?  I landed in bed.  And since then it’s just been back and forth between the bedroom and the bathroom (for a hot bath and visits with Uncle John).

Now?  I’m going to bed, and letting the Daddy put the girl to sleep.

Night all!

A one-two punch for the ear troll!

With thanks to a lovely woman I met through Saskamoon and her gift of breast milk, thanks to the doctor at the mediclinic for his prescription of novamoxin, and thanks to Dr. Shaun and his amazing organic ear wash I should hopefully be all better very soon.  My head still feels like there is a nasty little troll living in my inner ear, but it’s better than it was last night.  So – knock on wood – I should be all good in time for my photo shoots later this week.  Thankfully the beginning of the week was blessedly unscheduled and will be uneventful as I recover from this ear infection.

So… two things you ALL should know about.

One:  The power of breast milk!

Seriously!  Any time anything goes wrong, find a friend who is still actively engaged in a nursing relationship.  Breast milk is amazing for curing almost anything.  In this instance?  An ear infection.  Just a few drops in the ear a few times a day.  Let it woosh around in there a bit, and voila!

Two:  The awesome organic ear wash from Dr. Shawn!

Dr. Shawn's Herbal Ear Wash - for pets AND people

Dr. Shawn’s Herbal Ear Wash: made for pets, used by people!

This stuff was part of a parcel I received from Dr. Shawn for a review I did elsewhere two or three years ago now.  And I have ensured I’ve never been without it since.  Yes, it’s formulated for dogs, but so what!  It’s totally amazing stuff full of wonderful organic oils (like peppermint, tea tree, jojoba, eucalyptus, and a bunch more).  A few drops in the ear, squish it around, let it sit (it feels so nice when it’s in a sore, infected ear canal), then wipe it out.  Use as needed – I’m doing it a few times a day presently.  Click on the image above to visit Dr. Shawn’s website!

So…  I’m pretty sure that any ONE of these things would take out this ear bug, but I have no intention of having it take a week or more to get on it’s way out.  LOL  So I figure by doing all three?  I should be delivering a one two punch that knocks it on it’s proverbial ass, then kicks it once for good measure after it’s down.  Wish me luck!


Crazy weather and feeling down under.

I wrote this post yesterday, but it failed to upload. I’m out and about briefly right now so am attempting to send before I’m back home and cuddled into my bed again. We are still without Internet after the storm, but as I mentioned below we’re better off than many.

I’ll admit, if this actually posts? I’ll be shocked. We’ve had some rather severe weather here the last couple of days. It all started yesterday around 11:00, but it looks like we’re mainly in the clear now.

We had tornados, super intense winds, hail storms, lots of thunder and lightening… It’s been a little intense. I’m surprised we have as many trees still standing in our yard as we do.

We actually got off pretty lucky. Aside from a lack of Internet starting at about 2:00 today, and a bunch of huge branches down in our yard, we’re a-okay. Some towns have been without power since yesterday, and some folks don’t have much of their houses left. With me being sick in bed all day it was almost like today’s craziness never even happened.

My being sick ended up being a bit of a blessing in disguise. It was the girl’s first day of Summer vacation, so she had big plans. She would have been upset over Mother Nature ruining her day, but was okay with it being wrecked because I was sick.

The two of us grabbed her crafting buckets and spent the day in bed. Drawing some “old school” G1 My Little Ponies, coloring pictures she printed out, and playing games of X’s & O’s (that’s tic tack toe for those not in the know).

The girl is fast asleep beside me now, and I plan to join her as soon as I attempt to submit this post from my iPhone. No late night TV time for me tonight. I need to get better so we can start her Summer holiday’s “for reals”. 😜

A2Z – Love & Marriage

Blogging our way from A to Z on sexual and gender identity


I’ve been out sick the last couple of days, and am just as sick today as I was yesterday…  so really shouldn’t be blogging at all.  BUT I hate to miss a deadline, even a self imposed one.  I knew I could fit L and M into one post, and as long as it went up on Sunday I’d still be on schedule for the Alphabet Blog Challenge.  Of course, I figured all this out on Friday afternoon, when I figured I’d b all shiny by Sunday.  And now it’s Sunday.  And the last thing I want to be doing is blogging.  Seriously.

Being sick sucks.  But want to know what makes it easier to get through?  Knowing I have the love of someone who will see me through it all… someone who doesn’t care if I’m dripping mucus from every orifice, sinuses unloading in all sorts of unattractive, downright, inhuman ways…  And you know what sucks?  Knowing that some people are denied this same gooey “stand by me” melodrama that marriage provides.

Sure, you can stand by someone without a contract (and lets face it, when you get down to brass tacks that is what marriage is), and for those who are content doing so without?  Well, I think that’s great!  In fact, I know some happily unmarried folks who have been in a state of unwedded bliss for almost as long as I’ve been alive.  However, for those who WANT to be married, they should have the same right to do so as anyone.  Some chicks marry chicks, some doods marry doods… get over it people.

I, for one, am glad this is one area in which the Canadian government hasn’t seriously screwed over it’s people.  This is one thing which they’ve gotten very right.  It shouldn’t matter what parts a person has, love and marriage are about what’s in your HEART not what’s in your PANTS.  And now that I’ve made my point?  I’m closing up my computer, and crawling back into my flu-induced stupor, feeling much better for NOT having missed my deadline.

Tea, Tea, and More Tea

The last several days the wee girlie has been out sick… and I am now fighting it off myself.  I’m close to losing my voice and my throat is super scratchy and sore.  I have a conference to speak at on Saturday though, so I am WILLING myself (and downing a ton of home remedies including a ton of echinacea and tea) to be better.  Being sick, thanks to my wonderful Auntie Risa, meant new tea.

YAY for Auntie Risa!  YAY for her gift of tea!

We love tea.  And for the longest time there wasn’t any place in Saskatoon to get decent tea.  Thankfully there is now though, and along with the store came my Auntie Risa who runs it.  So not only did we finally get great tea locally, but we got my Auntie Risa home too.  🙂  So go visit her and get some great tea at Tea Desire in the Center at Circle and 8th.

brewing some strawberry rooibos

Rooibos Strawberry Cream


Okay, my photos seem determined to post sideways today, and I’m too tired to fix it.  LOL  They were taken with my iPhone and well…  I’m not about to open photoshop to fix them (usually I can flip them from within wordpress and it works, but not today apparently).


Yesterday we brewed up a bunch of Rooibos Strawberry Cream in our bodum press.  The girl was batty for it, and drank several glasses (leaving me only one).  LOL  Today we did up some Honeybush Superstar (which, lets be honest, sounds like the name of a porn star – maybe it should be my drag name).  LMFAO  It smells divine and is sooo soothing on a sore throat.  Seriously, the BEST tea for when you are under the weather.

enjoying tea

sick, but enjoying her tea


LOL  Okay, that photo worked.  Jeepers.  LMAO

And here’s one last thing for you!  Have a wee one you need to cool the tea off for after steeping?  Grab an ice pop out of the freezer and stir it until it’s at an appropriately warm-only temperature.  It works like a dream and unlike ice cubes doesn’t dilute it.  🙂

ice pop stir stck

ice pop stir stick


Enjoy your tea!

Too sick to party? Hope not. :(

I’m afraid that after all of her hard work, kid-kid may just be coming down with something in time for her class’s Valentines Day party.  😦  Today she has a runny nose, and is a little extra wrangy…  Hopefully with lots of fluids and healthy foods we’ll have her on the mend before then.  Poor kid.

On Friday we spend the early afternoon baking and decorating:  cupcakes, of course.  Confetti cupcakes with chocolate icing, and covered in sprinkles, sparkles, and red, white, and pink candy hearts.  We then popped one tray into the freezer and one into the fridge.  We still have to make the cupcake toppers and slide them into their individual bags – but then they’ll be all set.  We’re also planning to do up bookmarks for all of her classmates.  She’s super excited about them, and I know they’ll turn out adorable.  After everything she’ll have put together it would be awful for her to miss out on the festivities.

Damon and I don’t usually exchange anything on Valentines Day.  Instead we buy something for the girl.  After all, we have our anniversary to celebrate one another…  Valentines is about celebrating love, so it only makes sense that we’d celebrate our baby.  🙂  And went out shopping yesterday and again today in search of the right gift (while Lily-Ann was having her weekly sleep-over at her Pop Pop and Grams’ place).  I think we’ve got something she’ll absolutely love.  And thanks to an error at the store, we got it for half price – which is what brought it into our price range.  LOL  Gotta love an error (of course, we didn’t realize it was an error until the price came up differently at the register – but Toys R’ Us honored the price marked on the shelf, so YAY).

Even if the girlie ends up out sick, I’ll make sure that her things are delivered to her class, and she’ll still get a present…  but after all her efforts I’d hate for her to miss out on the class party.  Lots of good vibes, healing energy, and white light her way, if you have any to spare, we’d appreciate it.

My poor baby.  Crashed out on top of the comforter…  We didn’t even make it three pages into our current chapter before she was out like a light.

And yes!  She has a fuzzy red heart-shaped pillow (it’s a total coincidence, we didn’t start reading the Goddess Girls books until after she’d had it for several months, she giggles every time we read about Aphrodite’s pillows).

And again, yes.  She’s wearing a frog prince sleeping mask – which I slipped down over her face after I snapped this shot.

And one further yes.  Like any good Canadian kid should have, she’s got on her Toopy and Binoo jamies.  😉

Poor kid, just wiped right out.

Out Sick.

Sorry everyone.  I spent the last few days out sick.  I got bit by that stomach bug that’s been making the rounds.  I’m not all the way through it yet, but I’m going to try to start getting back at it.  I’ve got a few hundred messages that need my attention, so please give me a day or two to try to get through them.  If you don’t hear from me by Wednesday, send another message my way just to be sure that your original email didn’t get bounced out due to a lack of space.  Again, I’m sorry everyone.  I’ll do my best to get back to the land of the living as soon as possible…  now I’m going to log onto FB for the first time in days.  I have a feeling it will be just as backed up as the inboxes.  😉

Home from Camp fYrefly

Well…  I got home last night around 7:00.  And crashed at the same time I put my daughter to sleep (I usually stay up for another four hours afterwards).  Then today?  Today I slept.  All day.  I’m sick.  So it’s not just that I was being lazy or that I was feeling depressed.  I’m sick, and my body needs to begin repairs….  so I slept.  A lot.  And I’m super grateful to my husband who took the girlie to the zoo, and then out again shortly after supper so that I could have the multiple power naps I needed.  And yes, I’m now preparing to sleep again.

What a crazy week, and even crazier weekend.  I really do need time to just process everything.  But, I can say two things for certain:  Camp fYrefly Saskatchewan freakin’ rocks!  and I miss my campers and my leadership team.  You guys are freakin’ amazing!!!!  Love you all!

Now, off to bed.