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Don’t let this be you!

Don’t be the person who has all pet parents and their dogs banned from hotels. Don’t be this person:

If your dogs suffer from separation anxiety don’t leave them alone in a hotel/motel room. People will complain. It’s not fair to your dog(s), its not fair to the people staying in the rooms near yours, and its not fair to the pet parents who want to stay in that hotel/motel after you got dogs banned.

Missing out, and pouting about it.

So tonight’s blog post brings you a bit of a pity party.  I’m not a happy camper, and I don’t really feel like posting something that’s all nicey nice.  I’m not putting on a happy face, and I’m not going to pretend I feel great about things.  The fact of the matter is, I’m upset and I’m sad, and it’s my damn pity party and I’ll cry if I want to.

With this darn Eustachian Tube Disorder, I’ve been S.O.L. when it comes to driving.  Generally speaking, it tends to be at it’s worst when I’m in a car.  I’m guessing it has to do with the pressure inside the vehicle.  My ears snap crackle and pop a ton, and I find it disorientating and distracting.  I’m also far more likely to hear myself breathing and my heart beating all from within my head.  Driving is just not happening these days – which means I haven’t been hitting the shows.

For those who don’t know me well, I spend my Springs, Summers, and Autumns hitting the shows.  My youngest sister and I pack up my vehicle and we do road trip after road trip, all over the place going to dog shows.  I LOVE handling.  I feel at home in the ring, like I belong there.  I’ve shared here before about how much I love showing, love everything about showing…  and it’s something I sooo look forward to.  It’s chaotic and hectic and filled with WAY too much politics, but I love it.

With this ear issue, I haven’t been to a show since this Spring.  I’m going a little stir crazy.  The one thing that was making it all okay was the Saskatoon show coming up the first weekend of September.  It’s a HOME show.  Which means I don’t have to go road tripping, I don’t have to drive.  It’s a show I can do… and I’ve been clinging to that like a mad-woman.

Today I logged on with the intention of registering Alice, and possibly Marnie too, for the show.  Only, I get to the site to discover entries are closed.  Yep.  They are closed…  and I’m close to tears (the only thing keeping me held together is knowing if I break down and cry the girl is going to ask why, and when I tell her that we can’t go to the dog show she’s going to cry too… because it’s one of only two shows SHE gets to show at every year – and like me, she loves being in the ring).

Why am I so shocked considering the show is fast approaching?  Well, I get a constant influx of emails letting me know when different closing dates are approaching.  That way I don’t miss entering a show that I want to be at.  I never got one for Saskatoon.  If I had?  I’d have damn well got my entries in.

So that’s where we are.  I can’t drive to shows right now.  I can’t even drive around town, no way I can drive for hours to hit the shows.  So the one show I’ve been holding onto attending, the one show left this year that I can still do…  and I missed the entry deadline – by almost a week.  And yes, now that the girl is asleep, I’m in tears.

I wrote to the show secretary, to see if there was ANY way we could still get in.  I explained that I never received the email about the deadline, and how the ETD has made it so I can’t drive to any other shows…  but it’s too late.  Pat was sorry, but there just isn’t anything she can do.  It’s what I expected, but I had to try.

So yeah.  Kind of a lousy day.

I miss my dog shows.

It’s Just Home!

As much as I love hitting the road for an out of town dog show, I really do love coming home after one even more.

Traveling is awesome!  Very seriously, I adore pretty much any form of travel.  Road, rail, air…  it’s all good.  I absolutely love going places – and going places with my dog is even better.  And the crazy familiarity of the dog show scene is always grand.  The same faces, the same busyness, the same routine – all repeated in a different place every few weeks is such fun.  I really do enjoy it.

And when you are away, the stresses of home all kinda melt away.  Sure, there are new stresses and things to replace them.  Even away from home I’m crazy busy with a ton to do – and yeah, sometimes I need to be up at 5:00 or 5:30 to be in the ring for 8:30 or 9:00 (which is definitely NOT part of the usual routine)…  but it’s great.

The very best part though?  Is how much being away makes you appreciate being at home.  There really is NOTHING like coming home.  Even before being a mom, I was always happy to be home with Damon and the rest of the kidlets…  but now that I get to come home to my little girl too, it’s even better.

I’m laying in bed right now, with her legs mushed up beside me as I type – almost knocking the computer off my belly.  Just listening to the sounds of the keyboard, the air filter, and her breathing.  This, to me, is home.  There is nothing better.  The dogs are all asleep around us.  Damon is upstairs, probably playing a computer game, with the Parrot chatting at him.  The cat is roaming the stairwell – looking for anything suspicious – and the turtle is sitting in her favourite spot, half in the water, half out.  Everything as it should be.  Everyone well.  Everyone doing what they always do.  It’s just home.

Last Night in Regina

It’s our last night in Regina.  We’ll be heading home to Saskatoon tomorrow in the early afternoon.  So pretty quick we’ll start packing up our room, to make our morning a little easier.  I’m more than a little tired, I’m a little scattered just now.  My brain is simply too full – as usual the night before the trip home.  🙂  It’s all par for the course I suppose.  So, to save me from having to bumble through a blog post, as always when words fail, here are a few pictures of Alice and I in the ring this morning – when she won Best Puppy and Winners for another point (that’s three total towards her championship).

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Thanks to Judge Heather Langfeld for the point!  🙂

Sleeping Chihuahua (pic)

Long day.

Folks checked into the hotel room next to ours at 6 AM…  loudest people ever!  Seriously.  I gave up on getting any more sleep at 7:00.  We had no plans on waking before 9.  So by the time Alice and I were in the ring in the afternoon, we were already ready for a nap.  Which is exactly what we came back here to do:

Sweet little sleeping Chihuahua

My cow baby, snoozing on her cow.


No points for little Alice today, but hopefully with some rest and treats she’ll be back to her usual self, and ready to own the ring tomorrow.

Dog Show Expenses… GAG!

Sooo…  I’m getting ready for bed, wondering how it’s only 9:00, when it dawns on me;  I haven’t written a blog post.

Ugh.  Seriously.

It’s just one of those days I suppose.  I’m brain tired and body weary.  It’s only Tuesday but it feels like it should be Saturday.  It’s going to be a long week.

Photo shoot tomorrow afternoon.  Zoo school trip on Friday.  Leave for Regina Friday after supper.  Dog show from Saturday-Monday.  Head home Monday…  like the weekend never happened at all.  😉  I like lazy boring weeks with only one or two scheduled things to remember.  A couple photo shoots plus all the regular every day stuff.  I love being AWAY AT a dog show, but the getting ready while having to continue doing everything else is exhausting.

I booked our hotel room tonight.  I have to admit, it made me gag a little.  I think this is the very first year I’m handling expenses all on my own.  I’ve been showing dogs for other people for so many years that I’ve never actually had to cover my expenses all myself before.  It is a pretty amazing experience showing a puppy that I bred though…  it’s like nothing else really.  And while the large expenses make me want to gag, they’ll be worth it in the end.  Just got to get back to finding a client dog or two to help absorb things a little.  It’s always much easier on the pocket book to SHARE the burden that are show expenses.  LOL

A couple dog show photos of Alice.

We’ve had a couple super late nights…  Mom and Dad went out last night, and did again tonight.  So we were over at their place keeping an eye on everyone.

I had brought my computer and one of my hard drives along.  So I spent some time doing editing from yesterdays shoot, and also had a peek at the photos my sister took for me during the HCKOC show on the weekend.  I knew going in that today was going to be just as late as yesterday so I pulled out a couple photos from the dog show.  Figured I’d share them tonight.  🙂

It was Alice’s first weekend out, and I was quite pleased with how she did.  She was happy in the ring.  Stood pretty well on the table.  Her tail was wagging, and she focused on me.  And to take Best of Winners and Best Puppy two out of three times on a very first try?  That’s nothing to snub one’s nose at.

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Unexpected Common Ground

This evening I went to the home of a new client.  And when I walked in the door, and saw her granddaughter sitting up on a bar stool at the counter I recognized her immediately.  Of course, I couldn’t pin down WHY I recognized her… but I knew I did.  Turns out, she’s a junior handler!  How cool!

It’s always nice when you find you have an unexpected connection with a client.  There’s just this instant warming that happens, when you realize you have a mutual hobby or experience.  Generally people find themselves at ease with me pretty quickly.  I’m just one of those relaxed folks who likes those around her to feel relaxed too.  But it really is a treat when you’ve instantly got something – other than photography business – to talk about.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  LOL  I love talking photography…  but from time to time, it’s nice to have some other common ground.  🙂

Good, old fashioned, gay bacon.

It was a long day today.  Though I don’t think it would have seemed nearly so if I’d gotten more than two hours sleep.  😉  But between hubby staying up late streaming video, the girl waking during the night, and the dogs getting me up bright and early… well…  it was one of those twenty minutes here, thirty minutes there nights.  And they don’t count for much.

Over all today was a good day though.  We didn’t win any more points, but I’m cool with that.  It’s nice to share the wins.  If the same dog(s) always win it can take the fun and sport of it out of the weekend.  More points is always nice, but not having anyone get discouraged is nicer.

After the show we tried to hit the laundromat…  but there weren’t any washers available.  I figured it would be busy, but didn’t expect a complete lack of free machines.  So we’ll make due until we can try again – probably on Tuesday in the late afternoon.

The kid and I played all evening.  And it was one of those imagination games where Mommy doesn’t actually have to get up and do too much to be completely involved.  Considering I’d been too exhausted to attend the volunteer appreciation supper the Avenue Community Center put on (that I was sooo looking forward to) there was no way I was getting involved in any active play.  I rather liked the game we came up with, as I could play it while laying in bed, half sitting up with a pile of pillows under my back.  LOL

The girl was a secret agent – Agent Omega was the name she chose – and I was her superior.  I ended up with the moniker Purple Bunny.  She’d come to me for missions, and I’d send her on hunts for clues, notes, bad guys, and to rescue Agent Stinky Daddy Pants who had gotten himself into trouble and needed an injection of “pure awesomeness” in order to resume his agent duties.  As Purple Bunny I did my absolute WORST British accent.  Back from my acting days, I’ve still got several accents I can pull out of my pocket whenever needed, but this was a new one…  purposefully awful, it kept the girl giggling.  It really was a lot of fun.

To top off our evening, we enjoyed a bit of good, old fashioned, gay bacon:

Mmmm…. yummy gay goodness

Nothing like a sour yet sweet, gay treat.  🙂

Night everyone!  And may all your dreams be filled with bunnies, secret agents, Chihuahuas, and bacon (of the most gay variety).

My Little Junior

Well, today the big show news is all about Lily-Ann and Alice.  They were so cute together!  For both of them, it was their second time in the ring – but it was their first time as a team (you can see the girl’s first time here: junior handling debut) .  Sure, there were a few hiccups.  In an ideal world you put an experienced dog with an inexperienced handler or vice versa…  but they worked their way through it together, and looked cute doing it!

Damon took the video for me, from the other end of the ring.  You can actually see me, standing next to the ring steward (who happened to be the show secretary) at the table.  And Jewles took some photos – but I haven’t transferred them to one of my hard drives yet.  😉

Alice placed the same as she did yesterday, winning one point for Best of Winners, and winning a stuffed cow toy for Best Puppy.  Gotta love when someone has sponsored a booster and there are little gifties to go along with a win.  LOL

So, one more day left, and then it’s back to business as usual as we wait for the next show.  🙂