Monthly Archives: April 2011

Regina Woman Refused Her Right to Vote!

A woman, who went to cast her ballot at an advanced poll, was turned away.  Not because she forgot her I.D. or couldn’t prove residency…  but because of a medical condition.  An enumerator who went to her residence simply decided that she wasn’t fit to vote, without even talking to her.  Then, when she went to the polling station, she was turned away on the grounds of being unregistered.


Need some help?


This woman, like any other, regardless of age or disability, deserves to cast her vote as she sees fit.  It is her right as a Canadian citizen.  Wherever she places her X, it is her right to do so.

I honestly hope there are some serious consequences for the unnamed enumerator in this mess.  This is not a matter that should be handled internally.  I personally would like to see some outside involvement, and possible charges being laid.  Discrimination on any basis is not something to be taken lightly.

I am honestly too outraged to post much more than the basic facts here…  I’ll soon start making up words and just flinging my arms around violently.  This is SOOOO not okay.  Not even remotely.

This woman, regardless of how well she understands the political game (and truly, how well do any of us understand it?), deserves to vote.  The fact that some government worker went to her home and simply decided she was unfit – without even talking to her – is reprehensible.  Very honestly, if someone is capable of telling you their name, their age, and can identify themselves as a Canadian citizen (in one way or another), then they have the right to put their X wherever they see fit.  Even if this information must be relayed through a third party (as would be the case for my younger sister, Marie) they have the right to vote.


To read the story by CBC, click below:

Chicken Pops

Recovering from the chicken pox with some chickens

Finally free of her “Chicken Pops” the girlie was thrilled to be out in the sunshine at the Forestry Farm Park and Zoo.  And what better way to celebrate getting over the Chicken Pox than to hang out with chickens.  LOL  If we couldn’t be spending Easter with family, I can’t think of anything I’d rather have done.

Voting Green?

Because of my recent problems with the Green Party of Canada (and the reason I am not running this election – SEE HERE) I have had to seriously look at my options.  Voting Green was not the no-brainer that it typically is for me.  Do I support the party who’s organizer treated me so shabbily?  Do I support them despite this egregious error?

The way I was treated seriously made me fear for the future of the Green Party here in Canada.  What makes the Greens different is that the party treats every voice the same, gives every person a say.  They have always been a grassroots political party.  But the way I was treated made me wonder if this is still true for the GPC…  because clearly I don’t matter to the party.  Elizabeth May took the time to listen, and to care, but as a figurehead she has little input into how the party is run (which is as it should be).

In the end, what has brought me back to the national Greens, is this:  The principles the party was founded on are still the same principles I believe in.  Every Green Party in the world bases policy on these same six principles, and no other Canadian party can say the same.  I believe in the principles of the Green Party.  Regardless of anything else, I must vote with my principles.

Ecological Wisdom

Social Justice



Respect for Diversity

Participatory Democracy

While I am disappointed in how I was treated, and how the local candidates all appear to be running completely non-visible campaigns…  my devotion to these principles is still the same as it has always been.  So come May 2nd, I will be voting Green.  My support for the GPC may be wavering, but I am still a Green (both as a politician and activist).

I am Green

I am Green!

Camp fYrefly Applications!

camp fyrefly, leadership retreat for lgbta youth

All of the applications for Camp fYrefly are now live on our website.  Haven’t familiarized yourself with us and what we’re all about?  I’d say it’s time you did!

Camp fYrefly is all about youth empowerment!  It’s about providing opportunities for growth, friendships, and once in a lifetime experiences.  It’s about training and preparing tomorrows leaders.  It’s about giving kids (and young adults) a chance to thrive.

I’ll say it loudly and with emphasis:  I AM DAMN PROUD TO BE INVOLVED!  Seriously.

Camp fYrefly gives at-risk youth a chance to come together, and learn just how incredible they are.  And just how world-changing they can be.  It’s our goal to give them the tools to shape their tomorrows, and to be a light in the dark for others who might be alone and hurting as they once were.

So head on over to our website:  Find out how you can get involved!

To old to be a camper?  Why not take part as an Adult Leader?

Still young enough to be a camper, but really wanting to stretch yourself and take a leadership role?  Then being a Youth Leader might be the role for you.

Are you an artist or creative professional and want to teach a seminar or skill building workshop.  Despite being past the deadline, we’re still willing to consider additional workshops.

Want to do something, but don’t feel you have the time?  Why not donate?  for $300 you can cover the fees for one camper…  no youth will be turned away because they can’t afford to come.

Camp fYrefly Saskatchewan is one of only a handful of programs like this WORLD WIDE!  So don’t think you can’t apply because you aren’t from Saskatoon.  Fill out an application, and let us know if you need a travel bursary.  We’ll make things work!

So yeah!  Swing on by the website, and check us out!  Got questions?  Let me know.  That’s what I’m here for.

Feeling Peaceful

I’m laying in bed next to my daughter, listening to the quiet of the house.  Besides the breathing (the girlie and the dogs), and the muffled click of my fingers on the keys, the house is silent.  That simply doesn’t happen very often.

The animals are all still.  My husband is out (fetching a movie and slurpees).  And I get the simple joy of solitude – without actually being alone.

Moments like these were once taken for granted.  Back in my twenties, when it was just DH, the dogs (and other sundry animals) and I.  These days though…  when the full of energy, high need, super creative, way too smart for her own good, kid is tearing around?  Yep.  These silent, calm, relaxed, pensive moments are few and far between.

In a house this small, with this many lives within it’s walls, you truly hear someone at almost every hour of every day.  Whether it’s the cat padding around the stairwell, or Thora (the Lurcher) running in her sleep, Zenora (our congo african grey) telling tales, or the turtle splashing into her pond…  even when the house is mostly still, there is still life to be heard.

And just like that my moment of calm surrender is broken.  Liz (the Miniature American Eskimo) started yipping.  I’m wondering if she may be coming into heat…  she’s being extra annoying.  😉

Happy Easter everyone!  Hope you too are able to find a quiet calm moment to just be present, somewhere, today.

Scraptastic Saturdays – a LO at Long Last

It has honestly been ages since I last found time to scrapbook.  Seriously, almost two whole months have passed since I created a LO (layout).  So, on my birthday I set aside a little time for me, and got back on that.  LOL  And I’ll admit, it felt really good.  Hogging a little time just for me?  Yep.  Totally worth it.

Here’s what I created:

Eating Snow

The kit is called “It’s a Girl Thang” by Totally Twisted Scraps.  And the LO is based on a template from a collection called “Rocking the Layouts” by Wyld Web Design.

Time for a new look?

So… it’s my birthday.  Yay me.  😉

That really has nothing to do with what I’m planning on asking you today, but I figured I’d throw it out there.  LOL

I’m thinking it’s time for a new look here at TD 365.  I’ve got a couple different themes I’m considering and would love to hear from you – the people who actually read the blog.  What features are important to you?  What would you like to see me add?  What would you like to see me lose?  What would you like me to keep?

Here are a couple looks I’m considering – both very different from one another.

Theme Licorice:  Brings with it a very easy on the eyes palette.  Simple navigation.  Use of “featured images”.  Full posts on the front page.

Theme Mystique:  Brings top of the page “share-ability” with facebook and twitter, and a cool uncluttered widget for clickable content (one click brings up the tags, links, and categories without refreshing the page).  Uses “featured images”.  Full posts on the front page.

So…  the main things I love about about Mystique are it’s easy twitter and facebook sharing, and the neat content widget.  But I have to admit I prefer the look and simplicity of Licorice.  However, there’s always the possibility of just keeping things as they are.  LOL


It’s not the plague! (chicken pox and electoral reform)

Okay…  so the girlie is almost over the chicken pox.  She still has spots, but they are healing.  She doesn’t have the virus any longer.  She’s not sick.  She just has some spots that still need to heal.  I’m still keeping her home from pre-k, there’s only one day left until Easter break anyway.  BUT she’s got some serious cabin fever, and so do I.  So we went out.  Not far, and not really in public anywhere.

We went to see my Mom.  She’s heading out of town tomorrow, and will be gone all weekend.  She and Lily-Ann are really close, and they haven’t seen one another since Saturday.  Figured we better head over for a visit before she leaves town.  🙂  Because if we didn’t, that would just be too long to keep them apart.

Afterwards we were outside at our place.  The girlie was still needing to blow off a little steam, so was running up and down the sidewalk.  One of the moms who was also outside looked at her like Lily had the plague.  I mentioned, casually, that she doesn’t have the virus any more… just has spots left that still need to clear up.  Just the same, she looked awfully relieved when we were a few houses away.  LOL  Oh well.

I also had a nice chance to chat with Mark (or Marc, not sure on the spelling) our neighbour.  With me being on lock down with the girl I haven’t seen him in a little while.  The two of us usually have great conversations.  Him having been formerly involved in a life political, and me being involved in the same.  We both agreed that the current national election has us shaking our heads.  While we may pull for different teams, he and I generally see eye to eye on the giant deficits our country and province face in terms of the broken electoral system.  Without reform there’s really not much point.  But we’ll both continue encouraging people to get out and vote.  Because if we don’t participate, what is already broken becomes devastatingly so.

Too tired to be interesting…

Yep, you heard me.  LOL  I’m just way too tired to be interesting tonight.  The chicken pox have a way of wearing out not just the infected person, but everyone around them.  I’m definitely looking forward to eventually being on the other side of this whole thing.  Poor kid not only has itchy ickies everywhere, but has cabin fever too.  She’s just dying to get outside and be somewhere – anywhere – but here.  All of which makes for a very long day, and a very tired mommy.

Chicken Pox

Well, we’re still battling our way through the dreaded bock pox.  Poor kid.  At least she got some real sleep last night though.  The couple nights previous came with very little rest – which makes everything harder, but especially so when you are sick.  So I hope you’ll forgive me for the short blog post.  The girlie is resting, so I’d kind of like to be doing the same…  but still lots of work to catch up on.  With her being sick, it leaves me little time for Camp fYrefly or TD Photography business.  She’s my priority, that’s just the way it is (and the way it should be too).