Blog Archives

My bag, a glimpse into my life.

Rogers, who we are registering as Aes Sidhe Captain America, left us to go live with his forever family.  Of course, they have a thirty day trial period to ensure things work out first, but I’m confident in this placement.  I really do think he’s a perfect fit for them…  and the picture they sent me earlier this evening – of him all snuggled in for a snooze under his new Daddy’s chin, the two of them laying together on the couch – just further cemented it.

It’s always a weird few days after someone leaves.  Whether it’s a puppy going to their forever home, or a client dog who is returning home after being a part of our pack for several months…  when someone leaves the entire dynamic of the house shifts.  And that’s happening here now.

So…  onto today’s challenge:  “in your bag”.

My bag used to be a purse.  Because I used to be a girl.  Now I’m a mom, and more fierce than any girl…  Grrrl, gurl, or Woman works for me.  And my bag is not a purse…  it really is a bag.  And instead of a compact, lip colour, and moisturizer I carry a spare pair of pajamas for the kid, snacks, reusable bags, cloth pads, and cute princess and fairy bandages.

A person’s bag (if they carry one) can reveal a lot about that person.  You really do get a real quick glimpse into their life and the things that are important to them.  Amidst the papers and bits of “stuff” one just naturally accumulates (that needs to be cleared out every so often) are bits of treasure and parts of a life well lived, or wasted, depending on your point of view.

pjs, strawberry bags, dog paw wallet, treats, cloth pads in a plastic baggy... all the momcentials.

…all the essentials in one place.

Tomorrow?  “Something you’re reading”.  After that?  “Happiness”.  Something that having all the right things in your bag can help ensure… at least when you have a little one about.  😉

photo a day challenge for january

Chihuahua Puppies Make Me Smile!

The challenge for today was to capture something that “makes you smile”, that was another easy one.  😉  My babies!  And being how I vowed to take this challenge through the lens of my iPhone this capture made me laugh repeatedly as I attempted to capture The Avengers sitting still long enough to be something other than a blur.

the boys from our Avengers litter

Clearly unsuccessful – but cute none the less.  LOL  That’s Rogers on the far left, and as the biggest “goer” in the group I knew I didn’t have a chance of getting him without blur.  Next to him with his tongue out and ears back, licking his own nose is Tony.  In the back, wondering what the heck my husband is doing, is Bruce.  And up at the front, looking like he’s only got one front leg (gotta love the blur) is Thor.

the puppies from our Avengers litter

Well that’s a LITTLE better…  and shockingly Rogers is actually standing still – that’s him on the far right self stacking so nicely.  On the far left (on the floor, unimpressed with all the attention the puppies are getting that obviously should be being lavished on him) is our old man, and the puppies Daddy, Sweets.  Tony is blurred next to him behind Thor, who is looking oh so darling sitting on that orange pillow.  And last but not least, between Thor and Rogers, is little baby Bruce.

Yep.  Puppies NEVER fail to make me smile.

Hmmm…  what’s tomorrows challenge?

photo a day challenge for january

…oooo.  “Favourite”.  I may have to think on that one.  LOL

The puppies are thirteen weeks old!

The Avengers are thirteen weeks old, and the first will begin his preparations to head to his forever home soon.  I’m bad.  I like to keep my babies long past the time when they are babies.  Heck, I didn’t place Deedee (from Roo’s last litter) until she was a year and a half old.  And I’ll be keeping a couple of these little ones back to show (after completing their Canadian Championships they MAY be available).  So it feels really odd to be saying goodbye to one of my boys when he’s still such a tiny little stinker.  But the home he’ll be heading to?  It’s absolutely fabulous – or he wouldn’t be going there.  So I have every confidence that he will be treasured beyond measure.

That said, here’s a couple videos from the last few days:

Rogers and Bruce playing on our bed a couple of days ago while Damon and I attempted to watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother –

All four boys playing with Lily-Ann on her bed yesterday as she attempted to charm them into being polite little princes:

After playing for a couple of hours, the girl had most of the boys tired out.  So here we are with what was left of them, it’s mostly a video of Tony:

Have a great night everyone, see ya in the new year!

Puppy Puzzle – Hastings Style Evaluation

Today the boys of the Avenger Litter turned eight weeks old…  kinda hard to imagine there are people who send their babies home at this point.  I can’t even imagine sending them off so early.  For us, eight weeks marks the time for puppy evaluations and well baby check-ups with Dr. Wickstrom.  So that’s what we did with our afternoon.

The boys all had a blast playing on the floor of the exam room – as did a few members of the Acadia Vet Clinic staff.  Our boys aren’t shy, and are happy to have a chance to zoom around and explore a new environment with new people.  Altina was very impressed with each of the boys, and complimented “mom” on doing such a great job with them.  LOL

I figure this is also a good a time as any to put up a page for them on my Sidhe Dogs website.  After all, with evaluations as great as theirs, I wanted to brag a little – and really, that’s what my Chihuahua website is for: a chance to brag on all my wonderful babies.  So I’d like to invite you to stop on over there to have a peek at some photos of the boys on our kitchen table – doing their best job at self stacking – and to have a good look at the results of our puppy puzzle evaluations.

Sidhe Dogs –


8 week hastings puppy puzzle evaluation form

The Chihuahua Avengers – 5 Weeks Old

Our Avengers litter has made it to their fifth weekirthday.  That’s right!  The boys are five weeks old today.  😀

I’d had grand plans about taking proper stacked photos to mark the occasion…  they are looking SOOO nice.  Really great angles on them, strong rears, nice fronts, wonderful toplines.  I wanted to show them off a wee bit.  But yeah…  grand plans.  LOL  The fact of the matter is we are five sleeps away from moving house – and well, there are other things that had to take priority.  I did, however, take them for their very first outing.

I haven’t bought the boys their own carry bag yet.  Roo, Marnie, and Alice each have their own….   but we figured Alice probably wouldn’t mind sharing, at least for a little while.  So I popped them all into her travel bag, and brought them to school with me when I picked up the girl.  We made sure most of the kids had already cleared out, and we opened the bag for all the teachers to see.  They got held, smooshed, and generally just totally loved upon.  It was a really great experience.  The boys all handled themselves really well.  There were some nerves, but for the most part they did fabulously!

While Damon was busy packing, I had the girl give me a hand taking some photos of the boys.  Yeah, they’re just the same old iPhone pictures I always take of them, but they will have to do until we get settled in the new place.

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We also thought y’all might enjoy seeing the boys in action, so we nabbed a couple of videos of the boys wrestling:

For video #2 click here:

We have for sure homes lined up for a couple of the boys, but we are still looking for one more forever family.  So, if you’re interested, drop me a line!  You can meet their parents, Roo and Sweets, at  At this point both show prospect and pet homes are being considered – so drop me a line if you’d like to be on our list.  🙂  My address for handling and puppy inquiries is at the Sidhe Dogs website.

Sidhe Dogs Website

Today I launched my new website for my Chihuahuas.  More than anything, it’s a place for me to brag on my dogs; their accomplishments and titles.  Eventually I’ll also have a page there in regards to my handling too, but for now?  For now it’s all about our Chihuahuas.

So take a peek, and let me know what you think.  I’d love to know who’s your favourite Sidhe Dog.  😉

A few photos, and a brief update.

I’m exhausted.

Seems I start blog posts like that more and more often.  It’s true though.  Halloween is exhausting normally, with all the parties, sewing, crafting, pumpkins, treats, etc.  But add in caring for puppies and trying to get ready for the big move?  Yeah.  I’m exhausted – and being sick all weekend didn’t help.  And yes, I just plowed on through…  too much stuff to do, too many events to take it.  It’s Halloween, remember?  😉

Yesterday we gave the pups a new bed.  Their first “big dog” bed.  It’s still in the nursery, but we took out the Nature’s Miracle litter box that serves as a newborn bed (and containment), and brought in the doughnut bed.  It’s all cute, and pink, and silky soft.  And the boys love having free reign of the entire nursery now.  Mom likes having a nice comfy spot too.  So it’s a win all around.

Today I spent the afternoon working on the girl’s Halloween costume.  Yes, yes, yes…  I know she was Merida…  but that was her Halloween PARTY costume.  On Halloween itself she’ll be dressing up as Fairy Berry – her My Little Pony persona.  For those who don’t live in Saskatchewan, YES.  One costume for indoor parties, and a different one for trick or treating is necessary.  It’s darn cold out there at night with the snow.  Soooo….  LOL  I found these cute little iron on strawberry patches, which ended up saving me some time.  Instead of having to create both the Fairy Berry plant AND the strawberries that grow on it, I only had to create the plant and just iron on the berries.  MUCH easier.  Then it was just a matter of creating wings, sewing them on, upcycling a wig into a tail, and BOOM.  Fairy Berry costume.  Well…  I bought her some pony ears too.  Can’t very well be a MLP without the ears.  So tomorrow it’s pumpkin carving in the morning, ballet in the evening, one more sleep, and it’s the big day.  YAY!

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Oh!  And tonight was the Avenue Community Center’s first Family Mixer…  the Creepy Queer Halloween Family Fun Night.  We had a great time.  Got to see lots of familiar faces as well as many new ones too.  And the kid had a blast playing with the many children all close to her own age.  It really was wonderful.  I’m looking forward to many get togethers in the future.

The Avengers – Two Weeks Old

They were two weeks old yesterday, but I took their pictures for their two week update today.  It’s just the way things worked out.  And I’ll admit, I got a little carried away.  They are just SOOO adorable.  And they are getting cuter by the minute.  Less like little guinea pigs, more like puppies…  🙂  It’s so nice seeing them grow and change, they are doing so in leaps and bounds.  And while yes, they are just camera phone pictures, they’re better than my very first digital camera could take WAY back when.  😛

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A Chihuahua/Fur Scarf

We had all four boys out this evening, and covered the girl with them.  Now that they have their eyes open, they are starting to be a lot more fun.  And after playing for a while, they all crawled up to her neck and settled in for a nap – which, of course, sent the girl into the giggles.

the girl, giggling as the almost-two-week-old Chihuahua puppies nuzzle her neck

Natalia isn’t big enough to come out to play with her brothers (two of whom are four times her size).  It’s been a very stressful few days with her, as we haven’t been sure if she’d make it or not… and, to be quite honest, we’re still not sure.  She’s a little fighter though, and we’re doing everything we can to see her through.

As of this morning Natalia is now weighing in at 2.6 ounces, up from 2.4 a few days ago.  She had held steady at 2.2 and then 2.3 ounces for the longest time – so we are delighted to see a gain of 0.2 in the last couple of days.  It’s definitely encouraging.

The boys all range in size from 7.75 to 10.3 ounces – which is absolutely perfect for boys their age…  not too big and not too small.  Healthy, strong, curious, but mostly hungry and sleepy.  LOL  They are all used to being handled, and have already had their first nail trim – not that they needed it, but I start doing them really early so that it never has a chance to become an issue as they get older.  This way, nails are just something they’ve always had done and so don’t ever have to learn to tolerate.  It’s just normal.

We are enjoying watching their little faces develop, and loving the daily changes in pigment on their noses and toeses.  They are such a treat.  I’m making sure we spend time every day with the little boys as it’s so easy to get completely wrapped up in tiny Natalia’s care.  Tube feedings every two hours can take a lot out of you, and wear you out physically and mentally…  so it’s good to take time to enjoy her brothers and remind yourself of the joy.

Captain America, The Mighty Thor, Lily-Ann, Iron Man, and The Incredible Hulk.

From left to right: Rogers, Thor, Lily-Ann, Tony, and Bruce.

Some Virtual Puppy Breath

Because of the Thanksgiving weekend, we’re not exactly on time posting the puppy’s one week pictures… but we’re close.  And yeah, I realize you can’t smell the puppy breath, but wouldn’t it be great if you could?  Here’s a little dose of virtual puppy breath, these guys are so sweet you can almost inhale them through your monitor.  😉

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