Monthly Archives: January 2010

Light Play

Here’s me, experimenting with light on a transparent snowflake ornament.  I purposefully allowed the whites to become blown, and set it up so that the shadow would fall on the wall behind it…  bringing “to light” the nature of darkness in our every day world.  This may be something I play with more once my eyes are healed well enough to play with my good camera.

high contrast snow flake ornament

Light Play

I actually really like this image when it’s small…  here it is scaled way down.

snowflake photograph, high contrast, small

Light Play - Small

Am looking forward to playing further with this idea using a REAL camera.  Should yield some interesting results.


Mom and Aaron working on a jigsaw puzzle

Mom & Aaron - Puzzling

My mom and my brother started a new puzzle today.  Here they are at the kitchen table, hard at work.

She wanted to share…

Today was another day spent creating and colouring.  And this time, after seeing that I posted some of her drawings on here previously, the wee girlie wanted to share them with all of you.  🙂  So here she is, holding up her unicorn for everyone to see.  And notice the lines coming up out of the unicorn?  She was eager to tell the world that those make this particular unicorn, a carousel horse.  Clever girlie that she is felt the need to make that one small change to Elizabeth‘s illustration.  I’m sure Ms. Dulemba wouldn’t mind.

Lily and the Unicorn


three colouring pages, all coloured in

All Done


We have family in town (my husbands grandpa and his wife)…  so a bunch of our family got together.  Here are Lily-Ann and her cousin, Eliana.  Lily-Ann is two and a half, and Eliana (sitting on her knee) is fourteen months.  If I’d had my real camera with me I’d have been able to catch her smiling…  but the blackberry is SOOO much slower.  LOL

two cousins

Eliana Marina and Lily-Ann Marie

Ghost Girl

ghost girl, photo booth capture

Ghost Girl

Playing with “photo booth” on our iMac resulted in this ghostly image of the wee girlie.  Transforming it into black and white using iPhoto only creates more of a spectre.  🙂  But even ghostly, she’s still the pretties wee girl ever.

This old suit…

I’m all about ecological design…  in all it’s various sundry forms.  This particular shot happens to be of my bag (a laptop bag I’m using as a purse).  It’s a Rumah Kampung bag, the ABBY flatpack.  The designer takes old mens suits and repurposes them into gorgeous bags and purses.  Really beautiful work.  I’ll be highlighting them in an upcoming piece at Pure Greenius ( so I suppose this is a bit of a sneak peek.  LOVE my bag!

upcycled mens suit becomes fashionable bag

this old suit

You can get your own upcycled eco suit bag at


I’ve added a new feature to 365 Photos…  ratings!

Hope you’ll head back through to the day’s photos you most enjoyed to give them four or five stars.  🙂

While this may be looked upon as a vanity thing, it’s really not.  I’ve got a new project bumping around in my brain, and this will hopefully give me some insight.

Thanks everyone.  I really do appreciate it.

Shadows from the past

Walking through my old high school…  snapped this picture with my BlackBerry.  My reflection in the door to the outside world…  There are more than a few metaphors here for anyone who cares to find them.

looking back, looking forward, looking in, looking out

Metaphorically Yours

Our old crooked fence

It’s been snowing steadily for the last two days.  And I have to say, it’s about time!  It’s close to the end of January, and it’s finally starting to look like the beginning of December around here.  🙂

snow covering our old wooden fence and the lilac bushes beside it

Hmmm... frosty goodness.

I’d have loved to photograph all the crisp white snow with my good camera… but it’s still too much strain on my eyes.  Looking forward to picking up the D70 again.  I really am missing it.  Shooting for the first time sans-glasses will be an experience and a half.  It will be worth the wait.

It’s always nice to have a doctor in the family.

Here’s Lily-Ann in my glasses (popped out the lenses so she could have the frames) and my scrub cap (that I had to wear during surgery).  Lily-Ann is in love with all things doctor, all things faery, and all things princess.  🙂  So she was quite thrilled with the gifties.

Doctor Lily

Is there a doctor in the house?

too cute to be a doctor

Why yes! Doctor Lily will see you now.