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Winter still going strong… crazy.

I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately.  I’m sure it’s the weather…  we’ve been breaking records left and right for the cold and snow, records that go back as far as they’ve been recording temperatures here in Saskatchewan – and that’s 120 years of recorded cold and snow levels.

It’s not unheard of to have a freak snowfall in April…  but we’re not talking about an odd, one-off, Spring snow.  We’re talking about a Winter that appears to be never-ending.  We still have over a foot of snow covering most of the yard (and three feet in some corners).

I have seeds awaiting planting.  And I’m dying to be spending time with my hands in the good dark earth.  I need to put on a pair of clam diggers, and get out in the sunshine.  This weather is just making me feel like curling up into a ball and never emerging from my bed.

Normally I spend my birthday outside, having a picnic or bbq.  Heck, on several occasions I’ve spent it on the beach.  Never in my now 36 years have I been kept indoors by snow.

In spite of the weather though, I had the best birthday I’ve had in a very long while.  Lily-Ann insisted that she and her Daddy go to great efforts to make the day special – and I am so grateful that she did.  I love Damon, but he’s never been one to make a fuss or do anything to make someone feel important on their day…  which means I’d gotten rather used to having crummy birthdays.  LOL  If I’d had one of those along with this crummy weather?  I’m not sure I would have gotten out of bed.  😉

My girl really did make me feel so special.  She got her Daddy up in the morning and the two of them made me breakfast in bed – something I’ve never had in my adult life.  Then we all watched a couple episodes of Friendship is Magic before heading out to build-a-bear…  where Lily-Ann and I picked out, and put together, and chose clothing for a Pinkie Pie stuffy.  Whom is now sitting beside my bed being super cute.  On our way home we all got smoothies, then vegged for a while before Supper.

My parents had bought me a gift card for Persephone Theater, and with it I bought tickets for Damon and I to see Ride the Cyclone – a musical about a group of dead teenagers.  It was very well written, and had us laughing all the way through.  Some fabulous performances as well.  It was a great way to wrap up a wonderful birthday.

So.  I’m 36.  I wish it actually looked like Spring, but I had a lovely birthday just the same.  Yep.  That sums it up pretty well.  😉

Zombageddon Filming!

I’m a little late with today’s post because I fell asleep while putting the kid to bed.  It has been a very long day (starting with a five a.m. wake-up call).  The only reason I’m awake now is because the husband and dogs woke me.  Today marked the culmination of a perfect birthday trifecta:  birthday, party, zombies!

We were up at five in order to be on the highway by six for the three hour drive to Swift Current, Saskatchewan…  where the community has come together to help make a zombie flick.  And that was something we just had to be a part of!  Low budget and likely campy?  Right up our alley.  After all, what five year old girl shouldn’t have “zombie movie extra” listed in the career experience on her resume.  😉

It really was a cool experience, and worth the six hours of driving today.  But yeah…  soooo totally exhausted.  So much of my sharing is going to have to wait for another day.  Hopefully this ear infection will subside enough that I’m able to get back to my photo processing and then I’ll have a bunch of Zombie makeup photos to share.  For now though?  You’ll have to content yourself with an iPhone capture my husband managed.  I have no idea what happened with the lighting here (phones do crazy things at times) but it made for a rather interesting effect:

Tobi-Dawne Smith as a Zombie

Zombie Me!


I promise to share all sorts of details another time, but until then?  Head on over to the Zombageddon FB page at



Kid-kid is Five!

Well, it happened.  The girl turned five…  and a lovely time was had by all.  LOL  Seriously.  It was.  🙂

Yesterday was her fifth birthday, and it was spent sewing, crafting, shopping, and visiting.  Getting ready for her party (which was today) and just enjoying being five.  She woke up, threw the blankets off, looked at her legs and exclaimed that they were super long!  After all, she grew!  She is five now, ya know.  😉

Today was just as nice…  okay, well… ALMOST just as nice.  It was a little busy and exhausting for me (I’m not actually over the ear infection yet, so it was a bit of a struggle, but I don’t think too many people noticed).  She had a great time at her party, playing with Parker and some of her cousins and extended family.  And I think everyone who came (including her great grandparents) had a really nice time too.

I’d love to be sharing some pictures from the last two days, but I’m still not well enough to be working through any of my photography edits.  However…  I do have one little iPhone capture and a video (both from yesterday).  Enjoy!  It’s off to bed for me, we’re going to be extras in a zombie movie tomorrow.  😀

Snow White and Mingo...  catching a few Zzzz's at The Bay.

Snow White and Mingo… catching a few Z’s at The Bay after our annual trip to Build-a-Bear to get Mingo a birthday outfit.

At some point I’ll start remembering to hold my phone the OTHER way when I take video.  Oooops.

Summer Birthdays Stink!

I don’t care what some folk try to say (generally in a reassuring fashion to a child), it stinks having a birthday in the Summer.  Seriously!

Kids who have their birthday during the school year get to enjoy celebrations at school with their classmates.  When they are young their teachers always make a big deal about their special day, when they are older their chums decorate their locker and arrange surprises during the day…  Kids born in the Summer don’t get any of that.  Heck, they’re lucky if they get to even have much of a party.

The girl’s birthday is tomorrow, and her party is on Saturday.  She’s going to be five.  Which, honestly, I can hardly even believe.

Before school let out we gave out cards to her school friends with her email address, asking them to drop us a line so we could invite them to her party once we had plans in place.  Only two of the eight kids she gave her address to actually contacted us with their mailing addresses.  Thankfully she’s got friends from the year before whom she still loves, as well as lots of cousins.  Except that only one friend has actually RSVP’d saying he’d be there… one friend, one cousin.  Like I said, birthdays in the Summer stink for a kid.  We’re hopeful that some people just don’t know what “RSVP” means, and that some people will just show up on the day.  We’re actually banking on it.

My birthday was always awesome.  Every second year it would fall on a school day, and on the alternates it would be during Easter break.  So half the time I was on holidays and half the time I got to celebrate at school.  It really was the best.  I absolutely loved it.  And even as a kid myself, I always felt bad for those kids who had their birthday during Summer vacation.  In theory it may seem like a great time to have a party, but as a kid?  Those parties pretty much always fell flat.  😦

sad and lonely birthday bear

lolz cat - why no one comes to mai party

A2Z – Tobi-Dawne is Turning Thirtyfive

Blogging our way from A to Z on sexual and gender identity - Tobi-Dawne is Turning Thirtyfive


Today I celebrated my birthday, and like the title states, I’m now 35.  I got some lovely gifts (beautiful bedding from my parents, a very cool infusion mug and a bunch of loose leaf herbal fruit teas from my Auntie Risa, a lovely card and $25 to spoil myself with from my Grampa and Grandma Joan, and a stylin’ size Pinkie Pie from my baby girl and my man), but more important was the time spent with those I love.  My mom and dad bbq’d steaks – nice and dark the way I like ‘um – made salad, and baked potatoes…  and the girlie and my dad even baked me a birthday cake.  All in all it was a wonderful afternoon and evening.  🙂

And now for my gift to all of you!

To celebrate my birthday, I’ve arranged for discount codes from a few different artisans on Etsy.  YAY!

Earlier this week a couple of packages arrived from two different vendors – each containing beautiful, hand-made, pride flower pins.  The first to arrive was a pin from Dorothy.  It’s a beautiful canvas pin that I am currently wearing on my purse while I test drive it for durability.  And while I was concerned that it might be a little delicate to handle it, it survived being mauled by my daughter’s pre-k classmates as they all wanted to touch it’s petals and tell me which was their favourite colour.

pride flower by dorothydesigns on etsy

The flower, by dorothydesigns, on my purse.

I absolutely love this piece.  I know the white in the center won’t stand up to the rugged wear I tend to dish out, but it is beautiful and well-made, just the same.  Dorothy is offering all of you a coupon code worth 10% off anything in her etsy store.  The code is TD2012 and it expires May 15th.  You can find her lovely work at  And if you’re looking for this pin?  You’ll find it listed as the Kanzashi Pride Boutonniere…  which is basically “Fancy Nancy” for fabric flower pin.  😉

The second package to arrive came with an extra surprise.  Peggie sent me TWO pins!  One of which is her take on a Kanzashi pin – which will make it’s debut in her etsy shop in the next few days:

Peggie's felt flower design

The first flower by PegPlush.

Peggie’s Kanzashi pride flower is a lot more heavy-duty and I know it could stand up to the rigors of daily wear on a backpack or diaper bag quite easily.  It’s made out of felt, and can take some serious damage while still looking great!  I love hand-made items, but it’s rare to find a piece that can take some punishment and come away looking just fine – and this one definitely can.  It’s awesome!  I’d have no problem popping this one on the kid’s bag and would trust it to last.  Heck, it survived some mauling itself – and even got doused in water… and came through looking like I’d just taken it out of the package!

The second flower by PegPlush.

The second flower Peggie sent me ended up being a little bigger than I first thought it would be – but that only makes it all the more fun and bold!  I love all the beading and hand-stitched accents too.  And while it’s also a pin?  I found myself clipping this one in my hair.  With my super short locks it made quite the statement.  😉

Peggie is also generously offering you all a 20% discount on anything in her store (which includes some awesome, kitchy, felt panty designs too).  Just use the code PEGPRIDE.  You can find her at

The last coupon code comes from Trish (who is also celebrating her birthday today).  Now, I haven’t had a chance to handle her work myself, but based on her photographs I definitely like what I’ve seen.  She’s a stained glass artist!  Check out her work at and enter the code TDBLOG15 to receive %15 off.

So…  I’m 35.  Everyone kinda made a fuss over the fact that I’m “old”…  but I laughed and told them that 35 is the new 25, just like 50 is the new 40.  Aging doesn’t scare me or bother me.  It’s just proof that I’ve done my fair share of living, and I’m looking forward to continuing doing just that.  😉

Happy Birthday Damon!

Sending out birthday wishes to my husband, the best looking guy in the province, on his 33rd birthday!

And while I have nothing but love for the man, and wish him nothing but good things…  I do have to send out a reminder as well.  For while I may be the older of the two of us, HE’S the only one with grey hair!  😉  Love you honey!  You and your salt n’ pepper locks.  😛

Blowing out the Candles


The Girlie’s 4th Birthday Party!

Nothing but photos for you tonight.  I’m just too darn tired to do anything else.  LOL


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Some days are just too full.

Today, while mostly awesome, was just too full.  And I honestly wish I could have taken today away from work of any kind.  But we are now down to crunch time with Camp fYrefly and I had to work on sending out acceptance packages.  There are still a lot more to go out – but I got a good start on them… and will keep working on them tomorrow.

Why did I want today off?  Well, the wee girlie only turns four once.  And today was the day.

When she woke up (extra early, after a restless night, of course) I checked her over thoroughly.  Inspected each and every inch, looking to see if there were possibly any three year old parts left.  She giggled like mad as I peered at her armpits, checked between each toe, pinched her cheeks, wiggled her nose, and peeked into her belly button.  But no.  It appears that every single part is now a four year old part.  There are no three year old parts left.

Before afternoon had a chance to commence, we hit the mall.  Now… this particular mall is one we usually avoid.  It’s just too crowded, too teen frenzy, and just too full of memories for me (not bad memories, just lots of them, around every corner).  But on special occasions, we venture through the underground parking and emerge into it’s well lit crazitude (as I’ve mentioned before, making up words has a long, grand, history behind it… all the brightest, most awesome writers do it).  Today was one of those special occasions.

While the wee girlie was turning four, her hot pink stuffed flamingo, most appropriately named Mingo, was turning one.  So it was off to Build-a-Bear we went.  Mingo needed a new birthday outfit, and the wee girlie had $21 worth of coupons to spend.

After our mall trip, it was off to my parent’s place.  Where I sat at the kitchen table, Macbook Pro, iPad, and external hard drive all connected with various wires, and all connected to me – via the keyboard and trackpad.  Thus the acceptance packages began to roll out.

Once Mom needed the table, I moved into the sewing room to begin working on the girlie’s costume pieces for her party on Saturday.  This year she requested a Jungle party.  A surprisingly easy thing to deliver.

Normally I spend a week (or even two) frantically preparing for the girlie’s birthdays.  I don’t do this because I have to, but because I love doing it.  I harvest berries, bake, cook, sew, craft…  Work like mad.  And then sit back and take in the joy of Strawberry Day (as her birthday has become known as).  This year, I knew that was not happening.  And I’ll admit, this particular Strawberry Day kinda feels like cheating.

We are going to The Fun Factory.  That’s right.  We’re heading somewhere, where I don’t have to do a darn thing but sit back and enjoy the air conditioning as the kids run around and play.  Then, for 45 minutes, we’ll head into their jungle themed room (one of four party rooms) for cake and presents before heading back out to the general play area.

I am not making a cake.  We’ve ordered a Monkey Jungle cake from Co-op.  I am not baking, cooking, or crafting.  I did minimal sewing today (about 1.5 hours worth) to create a Monkey costume for the girlie, as it’s a costume party.  And that’s it.  Come Saturday we’ll pick up the cake, and head on over to party with anyone who shows up.  LMAO  Yep.  Feels like cheating.  No cleaning, no mess.  Show up, party, leave.  LOL

In honor of this very different type of party, we are calling it Jungleberry Day.  Because, well…  it’s not really a Strawberry day if I’m not preparing a whack load of strawberries and strawberry dishes for my little Strawberry, now is it?  😉

So, after a bit of sewing, it was time for supper (and I so appreciate Mom providing the meal for us, I felt bad not pitching in at all, but I so desperately needed that time – so THANKS MOM!).  Mom made up salad and pizza.  Then, it was onto cake and presents.

The wee girlie was so wound up and exhausted by the time we were done, that she took a few laps around the yard with her new rockets/arrows (they are these air propelled nerf-like rocket/arrow things that you can shoot at each other) and it was time to come home and hit the hay.  BTW, thanks for those Mom and Dad.  When I first saw them I was thinking “Are you nuts?!?!?” but you can get out a lot of frustrations shooting (safely) at your kid.  LMAO

Now we are home and in bed.  The girlie, fast asleep.  She’s four.  Just like that.

They may take our lives, but they can’t take our Threedom!

Tonight, as my wee girlie lay beside me, falling asleep, she said to me “Mommy, what if I miss being three?”.  So we had a quiet talk about aging, and how when you leave one time behind there is always something new and exciting on the horizon.  You may sometimes look back and miss something you used to do, but there is always so much joy to be had that it makes sense to keep looking forward.

Today was a good day.  We enjoyed every last bit of the wee girlie’s threedom.  Three really was awesome, but four?  I know it’s going to be all that and more.  She’s grown and changed so much, and while she drives me absolutely batty at times, she really is my everything.  She’s my inspiration, and my driving force.  It is for her that I do all these crazy, time consuming things.  It is for her that I need to believe.  People can make a difference, and for her I do my very best.

Lily-Ann, enjoying her threedom:

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Time for a new look?

So… it’s my birthday.  Yay me.  😉

That really has nothing to do with what I’m planning on asking you today, but I figured I’d throw it out there.  LOL

I’m thinking it’s time for a new look here at TD 365.  I’ve got a couple different themes I’m considering and would love to hear from you – the people who actually read the blog.  What features are important to you?  What would you like to see me add?  What would you like to see me lose?  What would you like me to keep?

Here are a couple looks I’m considering – both very different from one another.

Theme Licorice:  Brings with it a very easy on the eyes palette.  Simple navigation.  Use of “featured images”.  Full posts on the front page.

Theme Mystique:  Brings top of the page “share-ability” with facebook and twitter, and a cool uncluttered widget for clickable content (one click brings up the tags, links, and categories without refreshing the page).  Uses “featured images”.  Full posts on the front page.

So…  the main things I love about about Mystique are it’s easy twitter and facebook sharing, and the neat content widget.  But I have to admit I prefer the look and simplicity of Licorice.  However, there’s always the possibility of just keeping things as they are.  LOL
