Blog Archives

Thora, my ultimate dog.

Having one senior dog is tough, having three?  It really is a lot to deal with…  but I wouldn’t part with even one of our oldies.  Today’s challenge was to photograph something old.  I jokingly asked my husband to pose for me after telling him what my challenge for today was, obviously he turned me down.  😉  I thought about snagging a snapshot of one of our antiques…  in the end though, Lily-Ann’s idea won out.  Sweets wanted his supper, Brandibuck wouldn’t sit still, so Thora it was.  I’ll admit, I don’t like photographing her with my iPhone.  It just doesn’t do her justice.  She really is a gorgeous, gorgeous dog.  I have a hard time believing she’s twelve.  I remember the first time I saw her in person – after her trek with the underground railroad (traveling to us relay style driven bit by bit by volunteers like ourselves) – I broke down in tears.  She really was the most beautiful puppy I’d ever seen, and to this day I’ve never met her equal…  not in brains, drive, beauty, or spirit.  She is a dog who is unmatched in every way, and I have been so blessed to have her as part of my life.


The light seems crazily yellow here…  but that’s a camera phone for you.  😉

photo a day challenge for january


Thora is our Lurcher (border collie x greyhound).  She’s the most amazing dog I’ve ever had the privilege to know… and as a trainer and handler, I’ve known a LOT of dogs.  Beautiful, smart, fast, soft.  She made me a better trainer.  The day she leaves our family behind will leave us all awfully empty.

Thora, the Lurcher
