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A Tutu for You-you.

Decided to make the wee girlie another tutu today (this is her fourth).  LOL  Three that I’ve made, and one that my mom bought for her.  She loves dressing up, and throwing a tutu on over ANYTHING including a t-shirt and jeans means it’s instantly princess worthy.  Case in point – yesterday.  LOL  T-shirt and jeans, toss on a tutu and you’ve got a happy girlie.

As per request (by Denyse) here’s a photo of the girl in her new tutu.  I’d have preferred an action shot that shows off how flouncy and cute it is…  but I used my camera phone.  So, the only way to get any kind of recognizable image (as she moves so quickly) is to have her sit down.  So I had her sit down.  😉

Pink and purple tutu for Lily-Ann lou who.

A tutu for you-you.

This tutu features alternating strands of pink and purple tulle with sparkles.  I’ve also included about 8-10 strands of ribbon – just for fun.  🙂  It’s a different style than the others I’ve made for her.  More flouncy, less skirty.