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Our Big News!

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been relatively stressed and eager to share.  This blog is really where I go to hash out things I’m concerned about, to put dreams into reality, to work out problems, to find ideas, and just to get stuff off my chest.  So not sharing THIS?  That’s been really freakin’ tough.

Our New Home

This? Oh, this? Ahhh, it’s nothing. ;P Yeah, just our NEW HOUSE!


Yep, what you see above is the MLS listing for our new house.  We signed off on the conditions on Friday.  It was a little stressful there for a bit… see, we’d sold our house in less than a day (with multiple offers) LAST Friday.  So waiting for financing and the home inspection so we could officially call this place ours?  Yeah.  Stressful.

We love our crappy little house.  We really do.  But the girl is ready for her own bedroom, and well, as much as I hated to admit it, we’ve outgrown it.  620 square feet is fine for a couple, or even for a family of three when the third is still tiny.  But Lily-Ann is ready for her own space…  and that’s not going to change.  Thankfully, many of the things we love about our home we’ll still have in the new place.

Our lot will still be a double lot, in fact, we’re adding a couple of feet.  LOL  Our current lot is 50×122, our new lot is 50×124.  😉  And while we’re gaining over 400 square feet of space inside, the house itself is still really cozy, cute, and cottage-like.  We’re also still in the same neighbourhood – which I love so very much.  And get this!  We’re going from having a seven block walk to school to a two block walk.  How fabulous is that???

We’ve got a ton of work ahead of us.  We’ve lived here nine years, so that’s a whole lot of life that needs to be boxed up.  And right during my busiest crafting season (which I’m not thrilled about).  So this year we may end up having to purchase a lot of our Halloween costumes and accessories instead of having home sewn/made ones.  But that’s a relatively little sacrifice.

Our possession date is November 10th, and we hand over the keys for this place on the 15th.  That gives us four days to move house and clean up before we have to be out of here for good.  I’m going to miss this place.  Yeah, I know.  It’s falling down around us.  Heck, the recommendation was to tear it down and build a new place when we bought it – even back then we purchased it for the land value.  LOL  But it’s seen us through a lot.  It’ll be weird seeing it torn down.  I’ll have to take a bunch of pictures after we’re all boxed up…  to remember all those little details I put into it.  I’ll have a new canvas now, a new place for my murals and inspirations.  The girl is already cooking up all sorts of projects for her room, and I’ll only be too happy to oblige.  And…  I have to admit, my wheels are turning already too.  🙂

This house is going to be amazing.  It really is.  I’m so looking forward to spending the next phase of our lives there.  It’s going to be great!

Big thanks to Chris Craik ( for all his help in finding the perfect place for us, and selling ours so darn quickly.  As well as to Sandra Scheiss ( and associates for landing us our new mortgage, even when we weren’t sure it would be possible.  Only one step left, and that’s to send everything to the lawyers – which, after everything else, is definitely the easy part.