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Home from Camp fYrefly

Well…  I got home last night around 7:00.  And crashed at the same time I put my daughter to sleep (I usually stay up for another four hours afterwards).  Then today?  Today I slept.  All day.  I’m sick.  So it’s not just that I was being lazy or that I was feeling depressed.  I’m sick, and my body needs to begin repairs….  so I slept.  A lot.  And I’m super grateful to my husband who took the girlie to the zoo, and then out again shortly after supper so that I could have the multiple power naps I needed.  And yes, I’m now preparing to sleep again.

What a crazy week, and even crazier weekend.  I really do need time to just process everything.  But, I can say two things for certain:  Camp fYrefly Saskatchewan freakin’ rocks!  and I miss my campers and my leadership team.  You guys are freakin’ amazing!!!!  Love you all!

Now, off to bed.