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Home from Camp fYrefly

Well…  I got home last night around 7:00.  And crashed at the same time I put my daughter to sleep (I usually stay up for another four hours afterwards).  Then today?  Today I slept.  All day.  I’m sick.  So it’s not just that I was being lazy or that I was feeling depressed.  I’m sick, and my body needs to begin repairs….  so I slept.  A lot.  And I’m super grateful to my husband who took the girlie to the zoo, and then out again shortly after supper so that I could have the multiple power naps I needed.  And yes, I’m now preparing to sleep again.

What a crazy week, and even crazier weekend.  I really do need time to just process everything.  But, I can say two things for certain:  Camp fYrefly Saskatchewan freakin’ rocks!  and I miss my campers and my leadership team.  You guys are freakin’ amazing!!!!  Love you all!

Now, off to bed.

busy week…

Well…  it’s been a busy week.  Not so much because I had a full schedule, as there should have been plenty of time to get everything done that I normally do…  but it was super busy in that the wee girlie needed me a lot more than she usually does.  I think she may be gearing up for a developmental leap, and just needed a ton of mommy time.  It didn’t seem to matter what we did or where we were, she just craved the one-on-one… and who am I to say no when she needs me?  She wasn’t trying to be bothersome, or just being a pest, she needed mommy time – so I obliged.  I figured everything else would wait.  She’s only going to be my little girl for so long.  Every time I blink she’s a bigger kid who needs me less and less…  one day soon I imagine she’ll be telling us to leave her alone.  LOL  So yeah…  if she needed a bunch of extra mommy time this week, you bet I was going to oblige.  🙂

So…  here are our pictures from the last several days.  I am sorry I didn’t get them posted promptly, but I was busy being mom.

April 14 – We went shopping.  Lily-Ann bought a new pinwheel for the front yard.  This was right after we put it into the ground.  She had to inspect it to make sure it was working well, and looking just as it should.

the wee girlie, closely inspecting her new pinwheel

Inspecting her Pinwheel

April 15 – Have found several of these little bugs hanging out on the wee girlies play center the last few days.  Thought I’d snap a shot of one.  See if anyone can identify it.  It’s an odd looking little thing… probably about 1/2 cm long.  They just sit there.  I’ve never seen one moving.  Any thoughts?

an ugly bug just hanging out


April 16 – We rode home (me on my bike, Lily-Ann in her trailer) after our collective kitchen group finished up, and realized there wasn’t too long until Daddy would be home.  So figured we’d just stay out in the yard.  We pulled out the bubbles and the sidewalk chalk for the first time this season, about which the wee girlie couldn’t be happier.  She LOVES both.  So here’s her first chalk drawing of the year.  She was writing a message for our neighbours who might happen by during a walk or bike ride.  🙂

first chaulk drawing of the year

Sidewalk Chalk!

April 17 – The wee girlie had a sleep over with her Grams on Friday night, so I snapped this picture with my blackberry when we picked her up on Saturday.  She has her very own playground.  LOL  Years and years ago my mom ran a daycare, and still has the kid-friendly yard to prove it.  It was designed for a half a dozen kids to all be able to share… lots of space, lots of things to do… but now, it’s all for one.  🙂

my parent's extensive play area

Her very own playground.

April 18 (today) – We took our bikes out (Damon’s, mine, and the wee girlie’s bike trailer) and headed to the grocery store.  First day with t-shirts and shorts.  It felt great.  On the way back we took a detour and hit the park.  We stayed for quite a while, and a few different families came and went while we played.  We even pulled out some of the groceries and had an impromptu picnic… nothing fancy, just some raw veggies, fruit, and other yummies.  🙂  It was a really nice afternoon.  And I’m glad it was one we got to share with our whole family (rather than just Lily-Ann and myself).  It’s always nice to have Daddy home for outings that don’t always start off special, but end up that way because we’re together.  😀

little girl with a gleam in her eye... obviously up to something.

Up to Something.