Blog Archives

The Henri Cartier-Bresson Award

My work on the Power of SHe project has been nominated for a HCB Award!

For all the details please stop by – it also includes a big THANK YOU to the Avenue Community Center for believing in me and my work as a photographer.

Misadventures of a snowbound photographer

Tonight I have to direct you towards another url.  As I’ve already chronicled this particular misadventure on my photography website.  I do promise though, the many photographs of our frosty day are well worth the visit.  I know you’ll laugh as much as we did as we battled the environment to get these important shots.

Hip deep, completely stuck, immobilized in the snow and ice.

Hip deep, completely stuck, immobilized by the snow and ice.


And a big thank you to Jamie for not only volunteering as my assistant today, but for capturing the entire thing with her iPhone.  LMAO

The Art of Drag – TNG

I’ve posted before about the glorious art form that is DRAG, so consider this post The Art of Drag – The Next Generation.

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of being the official photographer at a rather phenomenal event here in Saskatoon.  It was the True Colours Drag Show hosted by the Avenue Community Center.  All sorts of performers, from current Drag Superstars to those who are the future of the art, all performing together in a grand spectacle.  It really was a brilliant night, and I am so thrilled to have played a part – even just a small one.  So here are a few names to remember:

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Seek no more

On Thursday, February 28th I felt a sudden need to light a candle and to send love out into the universe.  I didn’t know why I needed to, I just knew that I had to.  So at 4:30 I let my daughter choose a candle and we lit it together.  Shortly after that things became all to clear.

Bran Everseeking, who was known to some as Thomas Dunbar, was a treasured friend.  At 4:15 his wife, Naomi, had posted to FB that he was having a heart attack.  It wasn’t until later that evening I would learn of it…  after seeing another post she made at 6:04.  Bran had left this world for the next.  Gratefully I didn’t learn the news until after Lily-Ann had gone to sleep as with it came a slurry of tears.  It honestly felt like some cruel joke.

The last couple of days have been absolutely draining, and I really have no words – which is why this post is more dry facts than anything else.  I’m simply trying to relay information without breaking down again.  For now all I can share are images, something I believe Bran (as a fellow photographer) would appreciate.

The candle I lit at about 4:30 on Thursday, burned until 4:54 Saturday morning.  I know this, because the change in light woke me from a troubled sleep and I saw the last ember go out.

Goodnight my dear, dear friend.  Know that love follows you from this life into the next.  Seek no more.

Boot Camp Begins!

Boot camp.  It’s a concept we’re likely all familiar with…  but what do you think of when you hear it?  Probably the army or even fitness nuts, neither of which you’d find me anywhere near.  But Shauntelle’s sleaze-free self-promotion boot camps for creative types?  Yep.  That’s right up my alley.

Okay, so the timing could be better.  Between puppies, moving house, Halloween costumes, and my photography, I’ve got a lot on my plate.  As an involved parent I’ve always got a lot on the go.  It’s just (as my 18 year old sister would say) how I roll.  After all, when it comes to putting ourselves first, let’s admit it, there’ll always be reasons why we don’t have time.  So, I figure, it’s high time I MAKE time.

My photography is my work, my “day job”, and I’m very lucky that my business is something I’m so passionate about.  There are a lot of things I do (as you are all well aware), but I really do need to get better at this whole self-promotion thing.  Let’s face it.  It’s not fun.  And while I’m totally awesome – I really am.  LOL  I really am a fabulous photographer…  my work is unique, the experience I give my clients is superb, and I have a vision that is unparallelled in the market today.  I know it, and people who have worked with me know it, but I need to get over the sleazy feeling involved with self-promoting if others are going to realize it too.  That’s where Shauntelle’s boot camp comes in.

I need to learn how to better promote my work and my professional identity.  Her boot camp is designed to help me do just that.  To get over that near-prostitution feel of writing an “all about me” blurb, to know where to put my efforts, and how to get the most out of said efforts.  It’s not easy making your way through life as a professional creative – of any type.  What we really are selling is ourselves, and that doesn’t always feel great.  Seriously, if I could take the promotional end out of the photography, I’d be a happy camper.  But I can’t.  You can’t run a business without promoting it.  So that’s what led me up to today.

Wish me luck.  My first assignment is part way done, and due tomorrow afternoon.  Here’s to feeling sleaze-free while learning to promote myself and my photography!



Check out Shauntelle’s “Sleaze-Free” boot camps at:

In bed and frustrated (and no, I don’t mean sexually). Yeesh.

I’ll admit, one of the things I’m finding most frustrating about this ear infection is that while I’m stuck at home, often just sitting in bed either colouring with the girl or putzing on my macbook, I’m not actually well enough to be working on any of my processing.  So the longer my ears take to heal, the further behind I’m getting in my workload – and I’m just sitting at home, in bed.

Sitting at home, but not able to focus well enough to work.  I’m going a little batty.  So I have a couple of shoots that need my attention, and more coming up, but I can’t really do anything about it.

I can go out and shoot because while I’m out for such a short time my adrenaline kicks in and carries me through.  My work doesn’t suffer at all (though I move a little slower, and probably sound a little funny seeing how I can’t hear myself real well) so while I can be shooting, I can’t work through any processing.  And I hate being behind.  I really do hate asking folks to wait on their images because I know how hard it is to not know how things turned out.  But I suppose we do what we have to do.

I went back to the Veterina Mediclinic (and yes, I realize I almost put Veterinary Clinic) today.  Looks like the infection has actually caused a small perforation in my left ear.  The Doctor is concerned, but hopeful that given time it will heal itself.  So cross your fingers.  I go for a recheck in about two weeks

This whole ordeal still seems a little weird to me, I mean honestly?  An ear infection?  The last time I had one I was a little kid.  I think the last time MOST people remember having one was during their childhood.  So to have been sooo knocked for a loop by something that only bothers kids who spend a lot of time at the pool?  As an adult who hasn’t been swimming in a few months?  It’s a little odd.  But that’s just the way it goes I suppose.

And now?  Now I’m rambling.  Yes.  That’s kinda what happens when my brain is so fuzzy.  Hopefully we’ll be onto other topics soon.  I’m sure you’re all getting as tired of hearing about my ear infection as I am living with it.  LOL

Night all!  Wishing you many ear infection free years!

Preparing for an Art Show

I’ve been working through how I intend to display the couple pieces I’ll be doing up for inclusion in the PRIDE art show mid-June.  Working in a digital medium, as I do, it’s very different when it comes time to talk about print mediums and mounting.  I’ve got a couple ideas for how to display the pieces I’ve chosen – but we’ll see.

In an instance like this, where there is a strong message that is conveyed by an art piece, mounting isn’t as simple as gallery wrap canvas, giclee, frame, or foam board.  The mount has to maintain the truth that is being spoken, but not overrun it with a message of it’s own.  It’s trickier than one might think.  And to be honest, I’m putting as much thought into the mounting of these photographs as I did into their creation and capturing.

Time is sneaking up far too quickly for my comfort level though.  Very soon there’ll be no time left at all, and I’ll be in a panic.  LOL  It really is getting to be crunch time.  Time to figure out measurements, and processes.  Time to begin piecing it all together.  I’m excited, are you?

Amazing what a difference half a decade makes!

On Friday, I received my new drivers license in the mail.  A lot has changed since I had taken my previous DL photo.  Not just in my life, but procedurally as well.

Now they require a new photo every five years.  I think it used to be every seven (but don’t quote me on that).  It used to be you could wear glasses, smile, act and be natural in your photo.  Now, even if you wear glasses full time they have to be off, and not only are you not allowed to crack a toothy grin, you aren’t allowed to smile at all.  But, as you’ll note from my new license, a wry smirk is perfect acceptable.

My Driver's License Photo - Old and New

My Driver’s License Photo – Old and New


I have to admit…  when I received my new license and pulled the old one from my wallet, I stopped and stared at the photos for a while.  What a difference roughly half a decade makes.  The first photo was before I was married, before Lily-Ann was even a vague idea.  It was before I’d changed focus from my work as an expert in Canine Communication to Professional Photographer.  I voted Green back then, but wasn’t a member of the party, and would never dream I would run the provincial party and run for office during a provincial election, a national election, and a provincial by-election.  It was before I returned to my roots and realized how much I missed working with youth.  I hadn’t outed myself as a former victim of sexual assault, and was ashamed of the fact that I had FMS and IBS.  It was a very different me – who was plagued by social anxiety disorder and had a specially trained Service Dog because I couldn’t leave the house alone.

Now?  Wow.  There really isn’t much of that girl left.

I chose my wording carefully, the use of “girl” wasn’t an accident.  I was a girl.  I was a nervous, scared, girl.  I hid it pretty well from most folk…  but I really did live my life scared that I’d be found out, that someone would realize I wasn’t actually good enough to be worthwhile.

I said it once already, but for emphasis, I’ll say it again:  What a difference roughly half a decade makes.

Now?  I’m probably a little too self-assured…  I’m actually downright cocky.  LOL  I know that who I am matters, and what I do makes a difference.  I’m a proud woman.  Confident and ready to tackle pretty much anything that comes my way.  I live out loud, and tend to over share.  Want to know something about me?  Ask.  I’m not afraid and will happily talk to anyone about anything.  I’m doing some pretty amazing things.

Someone asked me if I felt old now that I’ve turned 35, and you know what?  I totally don’t.  I feel like life is just beginning.  I’ve just hit my stride.


Photograph, Design, Organize.

Today my head has been filled with design.  I’m preparing to open my shop, and I’m frantically working to get everything ready.  Yesterday I finished up a Spring themed mini-kit.  Today I started a full sized kit all about the chicken pox…  I really do enjoy designing.  Well…  the designing part of it anyway.

I’m sure it’s a sentiment felt by many creative types who also run a business.  The creative side of things fuels us, keeps us going in so many ways.  The business side of things is simply a necessary evil.  That’s how I feel about the organizational side of design.

Creating elements, creating papers, designing overlays, and custom products…  it’s all a fabulously zen thing for me.  Photography gets me revved up, designing relaxes me – two sides of the creative coin.  But organizing my product so it’s ready to sell?  Ugh.  I wish I could hand that end of it over to someone else.  It takes me far longer than it should simply because I don’t enjoy it – and I end up putting it off and then have several products that all need work at the same time.  LOL  I won’t complain too loudly though.  I’m pretty blessed to be able to do what I do.

Strawberry Scraps - my design business

So watch for me soon.  I’ll be setting up shop at the Plum.  Opening day will soon be upon us.  🙂

Photography Portfolio – Relaunched

TD Photography - Serving Saskatoon and Area

Not too long ago I’d posted, asking for your help.  I was in the process of reorganizing my online photography portfolio (and adding -immensely- to it).  Well, I’d like to say that it’s all finished…  it’s not.  But it is as close as it’ll get just now.

A portfolio is never truly finished.  As long as I’m still shooting, there will always be more to add.  And I also have another 20 or 25 shoots to go through from last year which will likely add another 40-50 images.  But for now?  For now it’s done.  LOL  A week of heavy work has my brain numbed for the time being.

In the process of reworking my portfolio I also changed a number of other things at my website.  I did away with the “favourites” section – which was interesting to me, but not so useful for my clients.  Instead there is now a page featuring quotes from clients who were kind enough to share.

So…  I hope you’ll stop by, and check out the changes.  Hopefully you’ll find things to be more user-friendly.  And I hope it helps you get to know me, and my work, a little better.

…and, if you don’t mind sharing, I’d love to know what you think of the changes.